Stacee's Top Ten Bad Decisions

Tonya said just the other night that I hadn't written a Top Ten blog in a long time. That got me thinking. I didn't know what to write about. It's not easy coming up with ten witty statements on the fly. I kinda put it on the back burner and went on with my week. Then the weekend hit Thursday afternoon at 3pm. When you have Friday and most of Sunday off, the weekend is allowed to start on Thursday afternoon, just so you know. And that's where we will begin. In no particular order, the Top Ten Bad Decisions I Made This Weekend...

1. After a superlatively long day at work on Saturday (when you have to get up frightfully early for a store meeting on Sunday), do not accept an invitation from a friend to hang out for A drink. Four (or was it five?) drinks and one trip to Whataburger later, you'll fall asleep on a really comfortable couch only to wake up after a mere two hours sleep holding a pretty girl you probably need not be holding.

2. When sitting among friends at a work meeting, it's best to not look at the small, stinging burn on your elbow and remark, "Hey, I wonder where that came from...". The look on your face as you remember will tell a story you don't want to tell.

3. When you're broke, it's best to NOT leave your only bottle of rum at a friend's house, especially if popping in to pick it up is far from a good idea. It's going to suck because right now as you are writing this you're going to want a drink.

4. Four shots of "Southern Hospitality" (SoCo, Red Bull, and Melon Pucker), two Red Headed Sluts, and one tall Barcardi and Diet. Enough said.

5. A houseparty at 3am will remind you WAY too much of being at a dyke bar when a couple guys get into a fight over... beer. Hey, at least lesbians fight over things that matter, like who fucked who's girlfriend.

6. You'd think you'd have learned your lesson about the drunken text message. Apparently not because one really ill-timed one opened the doors to Lesbian Drama Central.

7. Kissing may not be cheating to some, but it's still not a good idea. No matter how great it might have seemed at the time.

8. "I wanna touch you there; I wanna kiss you here. And maybe by the sunrise we’ll both come…to our senses." A great lyric that will run through your head over and over all day long. Whew... Thank God, one of you did.

9. You'll wish you'd gotten off work on time so you could have made it to a friend's TOGA party. Hindsight says that cavorting with a bunch of half-naked lesbians would have been a lot safer than hanging out for A drink.

10. No amount of alcohol can cure anxiety induced insomnia. You'll end up trying to decide if you're sleep deprived or hungover.

And that's it. Until next weekend.


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