Breaking the Rules

I have maybe a half a dozen rules that I live by. I also pretty much adhere to the Ten Commandments. Not because I fear Hell and eternal damnation, but because they just seem like the right thing to do. So, yeah... Six rules. Maybe eight at the outside. Keep that in mind as I make this next statement - I have broken three of those rules in the past ten days. Three. Fifty percent. That's a lot, I think. It's not like I set out to break all these rules. It just sort of happened. I knew what I was doing. I'm not going to fall back on the "I was drunk" excuse. Nope. I was drunk (no denying that) and I knew exactly what I was doing. And I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.

Before you get excited thinking I'm going to tell you all about the rules I broke, I'm not. Hell no. I may be all about speaking my truth, but I still get to have a few secrets. In this case, I'm going to have three. Three fun little secrets. Wow... Yeah. Fun.

My rules are just a way to keep myself accountable for my actions. They are simple, ethical best practices. I created them because they seemed like the right thing to do. There are things that you do and things that you don't do. It's very easy. Follow the rules and live a drama-free, ethical life. Break them and there's no telling.

I have to say that I have never broken two of the rules before. Ever. Not that I wasn't tempted at times, because I assure you I was. I just never went there. And it was mostly because of The Rules. Now the third rule, I'd broken twice before. It's one of those rules that is ready-made to be broken. It's fun and sweet and sometimes far, far, far too tempting. So yes, I'd gone there before. And I can't say I wouldn't again. That rule, while a great best practice, isn't always that easy to follow.

Am I upset with myself? I should be. But, I'm not. It was a fun ten days. And I'd probably do it all again. No, I know I'd do it again. Especially Rule #1. Yes, I'd go there in a heartbeat. Give me a moment. Whew... Yes, I'd go there again. Same thing with Rule #3. It's kind of dumb to make these rules only to break them, but rules are made to be broken. No question about that. Especially these. And thus far, nothing bad has come of it. Knock on wood, because it could. But, Hell... Gotta live a life. And sometimes to do that, you just gotta break the rules.


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