Now Arriving

There are moments in life that tell you (or maybe remind you) that you have arrived. These are the unexpected ego boosts and the seemingly random pumps of your self-esteem. They tell you that others have taken notice and see something in you that you think is rarely, if ever, seen. These moments never fail to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Above all, they reassure you that life is definitely worth living.

I had three, maybe four, such moments yesterday.

1) 'Oh no... I'm gay and (pointing at me) that's my girlfriend.' OK, so it was just to get some halfway creepy guy away from her, but... Some guy out there thinks that I have a gorgeous girlfriend. And it means that yet another of my straight friends doesn't care what people think.

2) Guy checks hot chick out. His friend sees me walking close behind. Friend says while gesturing in my direction, 'Eh, don't bother'. I took that to mean hot chick is with the lesbian. Which incidentally means that two more people at the bar think that I have a gorgeous girlfriend.

3) A guy I used to work with came up to me to say hello. After a few pleasantries, he asked if the hot chick standing near me was my girlfriend. I said, 'No... I wish'. and he pointed at me (ME) and said, 'I wish'. He then told me that he kinda liked me back in the day. Oh, and he complimented my ass.

4) 'I'm enamored of you...'. I have to admit that it has been ages since I've heard anything close to those words. Said by a woman to me and about me. No, it wasn't the hot chick, but close enough.

You have to understand. I go largely unnoticed in the world (except for my writing), so to have several people take some notice of my existence was uplifting for me and a definite boost for my self-esteem. I have long drawn my own conclusions about people and the notice they fail to take - they are dumb asses. I'm pretty cool and anyone who misses that fact is missing out. However, even though I have this self-confidence, it's nice to get a little reassurance every once in awhile.

So yes, it is true. I have arrived. Truthfully, I did long ago but I got a nice reminder yesterday. I'll take it for what it is and bask in the glow of me and my fictitious gorgeous girlfriend. I mean for a split second it was believable. And that is awful damn cool.


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