Naming Names

Generally speaking, I'm not shy about what I write. Goodness knows I'll write about anything. Well, almost anything. Occasionally there are times that I just can't write what I want to write. For example, this afternoon... My roommate said, then I said, then she SAID, then I said, then she laughed at me. It would be so much better if I could recount the conversation in its entirety, but alas I cannot. It wouldn't be right. Not that it would be wrong. Better said, it would be potentially embarrassing. For me. And while I'm not usually opposed to calling myself out, I simply don't want to in this case. I've said far too much already and I just can't go there right now.  Maybe on down the road a piece, but not today.

That's kind of disappointing for me because it is a funny story and I think I could make something pretty cool out of it. However if I start it, I'll have to finish it. Some parts would of course be left to the reader's imagination (I seldom, if ever, name names. I can't say the same is true of everyone. Dammit), but other parts would be horrifically self-evident. To certain potential readers. Which is where the embarrassing part for me would start.

I know I've piqued some interest and for that I'm sorry. Suffice it to say that it was funny in a borderline mortifyingly honest kind of way. I got called out. Out out. Way out. I have to admit, it was motivating. And mysteriously, my boring weekend just got a little more intriguing.


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