January 2011

A few years back, I started paying attention to number sequences. While my Christian brethren may think I'm decidedly full of shit, numbers are one way God speaks to me. Very often I ask and He responds with a number sequence. Be skeptical if you want, but it works for me and God. He prepares me for change (555) and reassures me when I'm unsure (222). He sends the enlightened ones to comfort me (333) and lets me know when my wishes are coming true (777). God also quizzes me a lot (A LOT) about what I want (111). The way I frame my thoughts tells Him my hopes, dreams, and serves as an affirmative prayer. It's all pretty amazing to me, whether anyone chooses to believe it or not.

January 2011 is a unique month. It's 111 all month long. January, the first month of the year, 2011. 1-11 or, if you prefer, 1/11. Either way, it's a good omen. As an 'angel number', 111 marks a moment of opportunity, a chance to tell the Universe (God) what you want, a time to think positive thoughts and avoid the negative. Focus and your thoughts will be manifest. It's just another way of saying 'thoughts become things'. I don't think it's 'The Secret', but somehow it works.

So, this is the Month, the Time. And it's just what I need. I ended 2010 on a high note. Life is good, better than it's been in a long time. I love my job (love it!). I have good friends. I laugh a lot. My finances are involved in a precarious balancing act, but there's an end in sight. I have a book ready for publication. All that said, I still feel like there's more out there for me. I'm getting closer. I am. I feel it. But I'm not quite there yet.

I've been working with God a lot over the past six months. He sends 111's and I respond affirmatively. Usually I ask for peace and try to imagine what that peaceful life would feel like in my soul. If I can think positively enough about it, I will create it. Peace will come to me. And anything else I wish to encounter on my path.

This month, I plan to send out a constant meditative stream of affirmative prayers. Every thought and every feeling in my head, my spirit, and my soul will be a positive vision of what I want and who I want to be. That consistent effort will accomplish a few things, (1) it will form a habit of positive thinking and that's never a bad thing, (2) it will have me think about and focus on what I really want for myself and why, (3) it will deepen my relationship with God, and (4) it will bring my soul peace. Imagine what all that positive energy could accomplish. Imagine if everyone focused on the positive instead of getting bogged down in the whiny negatives. We might all find a modicum of peace and compassion would come easy.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to meditate on the positive and affirm my love for God and His love for me. For one month. The peace I find will bring me to a place where I am confident in who I am and who I want to be. In that place, I will make my dreams come true. And in those dreams, I will find even more peace. It's an affirmative circle that begins and ends with love. I think we all need to give it a try. What do we have to lose?


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