But Do They Care?

I used to think that people cared. They don't. This isn't a bad thing. In actuality, it's a good thing. The fact is that unless they're a busy-body or some kind of zealot or fanatic, they aren't going to give much of a shit about anything that doesn't directly affect them. In general, most people wear blinders and can't see two feet in front of them. They are self-centered and self-absorbed. They may seem to care, but in actuality they just love the sound of their own voice or they don't want to focus on their own abysmal lives. That or they're trying to deflect criticism away from themselves because they are under the impression that people care. People don't care. They don't. I know I don't.

People concern themselves with a lot, but I'd argue that they don't care about most of it. They want to stick their noses and fingers in everyone's business, but do they care? They love gossip. That's it. They want to know and they want to talk about it. They'll talk about this person and that person as if all life on Earth depended on their decisions, choices, and actions. This may all seem like 'care', but it's not. It's meddling. In truth, no one cares who slept with whom, who broke up with whom (and why), or who said what to whom. Well, unless they're 'who' or 'whom'. Then they get to caring real quick.

Why do I say this is a good thing? Shouldn't people care about people? I agree they should. And they do to an extent. A typical 'care circle' doesn't extend much beyond one's closest friends and family. And it shouldn't. Thankfully this is where most people stop truly caring. The rest is just blather and bullshit about stuff they don't care about. Again, it may seem like they care, but I promise you they don't.

Take my blog for an example. Are people curious who I'm writing about? I think so. Are they curious enough to think about it long after they've stopped reading? No way. Not a chance. My blogs aren't that important to anyone, including me (and if they are, please up your medication and borrow a metal detector to find a life. Thank you). I write for entertainment purposes and to make people think philosophically on occasion, but it's a far stretch to think that my readers peruse, research, and attempt to divine exactly who I'm talking about. One of a few things will happen to my 'subjects' - (1) they'll get famous when I get famous and/or (2) no one will remember reading about them five minutes after they've read about them. I'm good with that. My 'subjects' should be also.

Need another example? Closeted folks worry so much about being 'outed'. I'm here to tell you that most people don't give a good God damn about anyone's sexuality. The ones that do fall under the 'asshole', 'zealot', and/or 'fanatic' heading and can (and should) be disregarded immediately. Truthfully, we tend to care more than people actually care. People will talk and say what they will, but do they care? No. Not really. Unless a really ugly lesbian is hitting on them. In my experience, my honesty about who I am has made me more endearing to people, including formerly ignorant rednecks. No one cares. They may not like that part of me and many have offered to pray for me, but at the end of the day they don't care who I choose to date or sleep with.

I think we all need to worry less about what others think and be ourselves more. I'm going to continue to stand in my truth and write about it. I trust that the people who care, truly care. The ones that seem to care, but have nothing good to say, aren't worth my time or concern. If I don't care about them, why do I care what they think about me? Good point, Stacee, good point. And truthfully, people don't care. They don't. I know I don't. Not about much, in any case. I'm as self-centered and self-absorbed as anyone. I care about me, my friends, and my family. That's it. Not in that group? Then I don't care. Sorry for my continuing honesty. I just don't.


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