I'm THAT Nerd

I really never thought I'd be 'that' person - the nerd who loves her job so much she'd work for free. I can't decide if this is fortuitous or not. I love my job so much that I volunteered to work on my day off tomorrow. Yes, I volunteered. It was my suggestion. Mine. My boss wouldn't have expected me to do it, but I think he's secretly happy about it. Someone has to do the job and while I'm all about delegating, I want that person to be me.

In jobs past, it would have been a hardship. I'd have bitched and whined and otherwise renounced all faith in everything except the pin I planned to repeatedly stick into my 'boss lady' voodoo doll. Oh, I'd have gone to work on my day off (I've done it many, many times), but begrudgingly so. I've always needed my job, no matter how much I despised it or tolerated it. Therefore I invariably do what I'm asked and/or told to do. In such situations, I've always felt that a sincere smile is optional.

Thankfully, I'm experiencing an unexpected career resurgence. I love everything about my job. Honestly, I can't think of one thing I don't like about it (re-filling colorants in the paint machine is low on the list, but I wouldn't say I hate doing it). I love my bosses, co-workers, and customers. I am challenged and appreciated. Daily. I can't remember a time in my life when I've felt this way on such a consistent basis. It makes going to work an absolute pleasure. I know when I get there that there will be smiles, high-fives, tough questions, tough answers, and a boat-load of respect. I truly believe that I have found my perfect working environment.

Of course I still dream of a writing career and an advanced degree in Divinity. I want more than anything to become a pastor with my own church, a syndicated column, and best selling novels. Dreams are good. They keep me focused on the future and give me something outside of work to believe in. All that said, I can't imagine not going to work where I go to work. I want more, but not at the risk of what I have. I know that probably sounds weird. I'm supposed to want more than I have. I'm supposed to dream and fulfill those dreams. I'm supposed to leave the present behind and embrace my future. The way I see it, I may end up the only pastor, writer, and novelist working in the paint department at The Worlds Largest Home Improvement Retailer. I'm good with that. Even if it makes me a nerd who would  work for free.

I've always thought that the people who loved their jobs were somehow lacking in other areas of their life. I assumed that they must not have a life or friends or hobbies or anything else to worry about besides work. I usually looked upon these people with a mix of disdain and sadness. How horrible would it be to have WORK be the best thing in your life much less the ONLY thing in your life? I figured they just needed to get out more and find something else to busy themselves with. In my mind loving your job more than anything else in life equaled pathetic. Thank you, God, for showing me the difference. Ok, sure I've discussed the possibility (with myself) that I'm a pathetic loser who has such an empty life that I have no choice but to love my job. What evidence do I have? On my days off last week I talked to our pet turtle, Leo, more than other humans. If that's not a textbook definition of 'pathetic', I don't know what is.

Fortunately, I refuse to equate my lack of social inclination with the presumably inappropriate and nerdy love of my job. I have a life, thank you very much. I just also happen to really enjoy my job. I choose to believe that my willingness to spend my evening off at work is due to love rather than lack. If I was so inclined, I could find something to do tomorrow night. I could go out with friends or stay in and talk to the turtle. I could write or read the Bible. I could go for a walk or have a few drinks. In all honesty, I could do all of the above. I always have fun and I'm seldom bored. Work, though, is different these days. I don't mind being there on what should be my day off. It's where I feel best in the world. I don't know if that feeling will last forever, but for now I'm cool with being the nerd who loves her job. And really, voodoo dolls can get somewhat tiresome anyway.


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