If Heaven Was A Day...

 'If that's what Heaven's made of, I ain't afraid to die...'

~ from 'If Heaven' by Andy Griggs

I believe what I believe. I don't know where it came from or why. All I know is that I know. No one told me and I didn't read it in a book. At least I don't think I did. I'm sure I may have heard bits and pieces here and there, but my conclusions are mine and mine alone. I admit my beliefs are a little different than most and I'm ok with that, even if no one else is. I've been told that there are 'empirical' 'truths' that tell a very different story. I need to read The Word and repent, accept my Savior and await the Rapture. I wish I could do that, but I can't. It's not what or how I believe. Now, I'm not here to self-righteously force my will and insist that I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I believe that what I believe is right for me, right for me. I'm well aware that I may be the only person in the world who believes as I do. I'm free to believe. At least that's what I believe.

Heaven is many things to many people. Cherry pie, good sex, fried okra, single malt whiskey, a star-filled sky, clean sheets, a child's laugh, a sandy beach. Ultimately, most believe that it's what awaits us when we die, unless we go to Hell instead. Hell, of course, is many things to many people also. Brussel sprouts, nails on a chalkboard, a hangover, bad sex, sour milk, a leaky toilet, divorce court, a Steelers victory in the Super Bowl. Still, most believe Heaven and Hell are where we go when we die. It's going to be one or the other. How we live our lives decides which way we go (except for members of certain Christian sects who feel that we are all predestined and have no control over where we end up. What a cheery existence that must be...).

I don't believe in that mess. Oh, I believe in 'heaven' and 'hell'. I also believe in an 'afterlife'. I just don't think they are one and the same. Here's how I see it - We are all assured of an afterlife, something I call 'What's Next'. Heaven and Hell can be found here on Earth, in this life. Heaven is the ability to create and experience Grace. Hell is the absence of Grace, either the time before it is realized or the total refusal to see it. It's very simple for me. Life is the classroom. Our lessons involve heaven, hell, and our ability/willingness to find Grace. The goal is godliness. Ultimately speaking, of course.

In my world, there is far more heaven than hell. Maybe I'm just lucky that way. I've lived a good life with only a small share of challenges; I've been priviledged; Life for me is easy. I'm not sure I agree with that. My life hasn't been perfect. I've faced death, depression, rejection, divorce, anorexia, and a D in Statistics. Most would call a few of those 'hell', yet I don't. It's all about perspective and a good measure of faith. I choose to see heaven so I do. I choose to see Grace so I do.

Heaven can be in nearly everything. It's in a yes and a no. It's in having courage and being cowardly. It's in saying too much and not enough. It's in hello and good bye. It's in tears, smiles, and The Break Up Diet. It's in a sister you haven't seen in twenty years. It's in forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and laughter. It's in the perfection of imperfection. It's in the choices we make and those that are made for us. It's in what is and what isn't. Above all, heaven is in knowing everything is as it should be and making it be so.

That's what I believe. Many choose to believe in Hell. They see it, feel it, smell it, and taste it. They know it's upon them and live life hiding from it. I'm ok with that. It's just not how I choose to live or what I choose to believe. I'd rather have faith, create Grace, and see Heaven every day of my life. If Heaven was a day, it would be today.  And tomorrow and the next.


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