Misconceptions Of Me

I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about me. While I'm in an exhausted and borderline pissy mood. I suppose given that disclaimer, readers can take everything I say with a grain of salt. I mean, if I was in a better mood, would have written this at all? I guess we'll never know. This mood is the mood we have so we'll just have to go with it. In no particular order of importance...

  • Because I love writing and I love books, I also love to read - This is probably by far the largest misconception about me. Reading is a beating. There is no other way to put it. Unless it's a short magazine article, I'm probably not going to finish it. I own quite a few books. I've just haven't read most of them.
  • I love people - I'm friendly, nice, and outgoing, so I must love people, right? Wrong. It's not that I dislike people. I simply have a super low tolerance when it comes to social interaction. When I've had enough, I've had enough. At that point, I will retreat without apology or explanation. Done for me is done.
  • I really don't like being single - Reference the above bullet point. I have a low tolerance for people and demand a lot of  'alone' time. Dating/involvement/commitment are not conducive to said 'alone' time. So, no... I truly do prefer being single.
  • I'm outgoing - Actually, I'm introverted. A few years ago I was diagnosed 'highly sensitive' and labelled an 'introvert'. I thanked God. Finally someone 'got me'. I may seem outgoing because I'm generally not shy and I'll talk to just about anyone. When I'm feeling safe and social. It's a little more involved than that, but suffice it to say that I'm far from outgoing.
  • I check out women - I get accused of this all the time. Mostly, I think, because people expect me to be checking out women, not because they actually catch me doing it. Yes, I am a lesbian. Yes, I like women. No, I'm not like the majority of guys (and probably many of the lesbians ) you know who constantly oogle women. It's never been me and I don't plan to start anytime soon.
  • I eat only healthy foods - Wrong. I eat what I want when I want and try to make the healthiest choice I can given what I'm craving at the moment. Trust me, by 'healthy' standards, I fail miserably.
  • I'm competitive - Honestly, I seldom care whether I win or lose. When I compete, I 'compete' more against myself than my opponent. I want to play well, run well, do whatever it is I'm doing well, whether I end up winning or losing. Bottom line, I'd rather play well and lose than play crappy and win.
Unfortunately, I'm not who a lot of people think I am. That's ok by me. I'm never going to be what others expect me to be simply  because it's who they expect me to be. I've been defiant this way for forty-two years, I don't see myself changing anytime soon. I suggest everyone just go with it. Or not. It truly is whatever.


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