I'd Rather Be Stacee

It's no secret. I like pretty girls. And if I'm being brutally honest, I like pretty straight girls. I hate to dichotomize the world into gays and straights, but it's real. Straight girls are just different. In a good way. Lesbians (dykes, gay girls) are well... fucked up. Maybe I don't get out enough or circulate enough, but I've lived in three distinct communities of lesbians and I can say with absolute certainty that the crazy ones BY FAR out number the normal ones.

It's not entirely their fault. Live in a world that by and large damns you to Hell and I promise you sanity becomes more difficult. It's just that a lot of lesbians wear 'fucked up' like it's a badge of honor. They blame their 'oppresssors' for everything that has befallen them and deny any and all responsibility for their actions. They wave a rainbow flag and try to get attention for their cause all the while pushing the sane world away with their craziness. What they fail to see is that they are responsible for their own oppression. If only they'd seek normal, they'd find it. I did. Of course, I've never thought I was going to Hell.

All that said, I prefer living in the normal world. Our society is dichotomized only because we make it so. We identify with one group or the other and segregate ourselves. I'd rather be Stacee and blend. The only thing that makes me different from a so-call 'straight' woman is that I love pretty girls. I will never hide that or apologize. Loving women doesn't make my hair short or cause me to wear cargo shorts. Likewise, it doesn't make me a devil worshipper or a child molester. It does, however, make me Stacee.

I like Stacee. If others don't, it's cool with me. I got over worrying about who didn't like me and why a long time ago. I like Me and incidentally so does God. I've endured stares, whispers, and outright hatred from both sides of the dichotomy (and I imagine I will again), but I will never shy away from being Me. The truth I stand in is mine and mine alone. I'm quite content as is. Of course a pretty girl or two never hurts.


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