Just a Few Notes

I'm not sure what I want to write about tonight. I've got a zillion things running through my very tired brain and I'm certain focus is going to be an issue. So, before I completely frustrate myself and bag writing for the night, I'm going to set my standards super low. Realistically so, but low nonetheless.

Today was Inventory Day at The World's Largest Home Improvement Retailer and I'm fried. It was also Wednesday. Add to that the usual bullshit of life (which has been extraordinarily bull shitty over the past week or so) and you might understand why I'm choosing to lower the bar a tad. It's either write, sleep, or drink prodigious amounts of alcohol. Given that it's only 7:00pm, I have to work at 6:00am, and I'm broke 'til pay day, writing it is. With or without focus. Alrighty, here we go.

Tonight's topic? A whole lot of nothing. It's not going to be a Top Ten List (mostly because I don't think I have the energy to think up ten clever-isms), but it will be equally frenetic and I'll probably skip around a lot. A moment ago I checked the list of 'Notes' that I keep in my Blackberry. These are just little one liners - quotes and thoughts I want to save for later. For lack of anything better to write about, I've decided that now is later. As usual, in no particular order...
  • 'Women are just different when they're hanging from the bottom rung.' - It's slight mis-quote from the movie, 'Jerry McGuire'. In the movie, it's 'men' instead of 'women', but my vast experience tells me that I'm right. Women are just different when they're desperate. Desperate for what? Money, food, shelter, love. You name it. If a woman is desperate for it, she's going to be different. Needy, if nothing else. I'm done with bottom-rungers. I'm not here to save anyone of help them up the ladder. That's not to say I'm completely selfish. I'll go well out of my way for a friend, but you won't see me dating anyone who is desperately in need of anything. Bottom line? Neediness is unattractive.

  • 'Every opportunity has a shelf life.' - This means take your chances as they come. Don't procrastinate. I'm actually on the up-side of this one right now. I made a decision and I'm leaving something I held onto for a long time behind. I feel extraordinarily free. I, for one, am happy to be done with that little 'opportunity'.

  • 'Jesus died so I can eat bacon.' - And such is God's Grace. Without Jesus, we'd still be condemned to all the wonderful rules and regs in the Old Testament. In addition to never eating bacon, I'd have super long hair, wear only 'Little House on the Prairie' dresses, and be stoned regularly for my improper thoughts about women. Whew... Thank you, Jesus.

  • 'Emotional Munchausens Syndrome' - This is just an idea, a notion. I don't think there's any reliable research on the topic. Yet. So, what is it? Well, like normal Munchausen's, the victim feigns all kinds of distress in order to get attention. In the case of emotional Munchausen's, he or she makes up emotional problems meant to garner sympathy and gain attention. In other words, they come with 747 worth of baggage and display it for all to see. This is co-dependency at its best. Ugh... Not to sound unsympathetic (because I do know that people occasionally have issues they need to deal with), but when someone begins to use emotional issues as a means to an end? Yeah, GET. OVER. IT. Or go tell your shrink.

  • 'There was a time, yes, that it felt normal for me... but it was a phase.' - I'm contemplating it again -  A Straight Girl Crush. I've stayed away for over a year. Maybe even two years. I'm honestly good with it being a phase, for both them and me. I don't want anything serious anyway. Who better to 'experiment' with than someone who is also 'experimenting'. With the right mind set, it'd be perfect. I'm so tired of nay-sayers that tell me that I'm going to get hurt. Really? After all these years, you think I think I'm going to change anyone? Yeah, no. Just let me have a little fun.

That's all I have. I'm tired and still fried. I'm ready for a day off and a margarita. For now, though, I'm going to focus on sleep. It's about all I can muster after the day I've had and the writing I've just done. Good night.


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