Not Exactly Off the Hook

I'm pretty sure that many people breathed a sigh of relief a few weeks ago when I finally came out as a Christian. I'm sure they thought it meant the end of my anti-Christian diatribes, debates, and soap box races. After all, I'm a Christian now. That should mean that I chant the company line, shouldn't it? I'll thump the Bible with effervescence and freak Jesus like a hip-hop sagger on a hottie in Apple Bottoms. You're right. It should mean all that and more. Yet..... Sadly for many, it doesn't. If anything, being a Christian makes me more critical than ever before. Hell, I actually LIKE Jesus now and have a vested interest in the (mis)interpretation of his word. Let's get it straight - Christianity is most certainly not off the hook.

Let's begin with Christmas, shall we? Tis the season for bashing Christianity. I can't see myself stopping my long standing tradition, especially now. Everyone loves Christmas, right? It's that time of year when we decorate and buy and decorate and buy and decorate and buy some more, all in the name of Jesus Christ. I think that's how I remember it. Of course, there was seldom any celebration of Jesus when I was growing up. Not that we didn't know the stories and have a nativity scene (until my sister and I replaced the baby Jesus with a Smurf. I think Mom got it that we weren't buying it at that point), because we did. However, my childhood Christmases were a big, giant homage to Santa Claus, not Jesus Christ. And that was cool. It meant lots of presents. I never set foot into a church except for the occasional wedding until March 2010. So, no... Jesus was not the reason for the season in my family.

It's not like we were the only blasphemers on the block. We were typical and still would be. I can count on one hand the number of people I know who attend church with any regularity and less than another hand the number of people I know who really, truly celebrate Jesus with any additional regularity. And yet..... And yet, we celebrate his birthday like we just hung out with him last week. Trust me, we didn't. Well, I did and I'm still not going to his party. But did you? Did you hang out with Jesus last week? Really? Because I'm skeptical. And yet, you went out Black Friday and put yourself so firmly into the red it'll take a substantial lottery winning to get your credit cards paid off just so you and your family can celebrate the birthday of some guy you don't  know and never hang out with. Perfect.

Let me explain it another way. You have this 'friend' who is honestly more annoying that he is amusing. He's pretty self-righteous in his humility and bugs you all the time about giving to charity. Long ago you stopped hanging out regularly. BUT, once a year he throws himself a kick-ass birthday party. Imagine the best catered food, a wide open bar, plenty of kegs, and the best band playing in his backyard all for free. It's absolutely without a doubt the party of the year and you've got to be there. So, what do you do? Suck up for a week or so before hoping to wingle an invite? Or maybe you just plan to crash with a bunch of your friends. You wouldn't do that? Or would you?

That's Christmas in a nutshell. And unless you celebrate Jesus regularly, you are nothing better than a party crasher. But what about Santa? What about him? He's cool. All I ask is that you make it about him rather than about Jesus. If you want to get together with family and spend a shit-ton of money, do it. Just skip the supposition of Christianity and faith therein. It's a big, fat lie. Go ahead and admit to it.

Ultimately, what would Jesus do? He would ask that you give what you have to those that don't. Do your kids really need a PS3 or a new laptop? Does your wife need a vacuum or pair of earrings? Does your husband need socks and cologne? Need. Think about it. There are those who truly NEED everyday - for food, clothing, warmth, humanity. I promise you that if I ever decide to celebrate Christmas again, it will be with little fanfare and a lot of charitable giving. Of course, whenever I am ever able, I will give as Christ gave. Love and understanding are something we can all afford to give. And not just at Christmastime.

There is a higher meaning and higher responsibility that comes with being a person of faith, especially a person of the Christian faith. Our brother died showing us the way. All he asked was that we give of ourselves and show others kindness so that they may also find the way. Heaven awaits ALL of us. Even the party crashers. Jesus would agree and he wouldn't be mad. He'd make sure you got a strong drink and a spot up front right by the band. Because you know that's where all the pretty girls hang out. He'd want those pretty girls for you. I promise you, he would.


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