Nice Beats Asshole

I got a speeding ticket today. A word to the wise for my Austin friends, the officer said that they are trying to crack down on the speeding on Manchaca. I got nailed between Slaughter and Wm. Cannon. I wasn't pissed. In fact, the cop commented that he wished all of his stops were as nice as me. Seriously, what was my choice? Get mad at him? For doing his job? He didn't push my foot down on the gas pedal and  make me go 60 in a 45. And truly, the law of averages being what it is, I was long, long overdue. I was speeding and got caught. This time. I didn't get caught the 4,977 times in the past week I could have been caught. I'll pay my fine (or take defensive driving) and call it good.

I can't say I was as pleased with my last ticket. It was 5:30ish in the morning. I was on my way to Dallas for an HR staff meeting. I'd been up since 3amish and probably got a sum total of four hours sleep the night before. I was on Interstate 30 cruising through Cumby, Texas at roughly 72mph. It sounded reasonable until I saw the lights flashing in the rearview and wondered just what in the fuck I was doing wrong. Oh, the speed limit is 65 at night (it's 70 during the day), Officer? Trust me, it won't do any good to explain to him, in the pitch black darkness, that 5:30am is DAY to you because you've already been up two hours. Nope, those Cumby cops are pretty serious about their speed limit and the definition of 'night' vs. 'day'. I begrudgingly took the ticket and I'm sure I paid it.

I've been lucky lately with as much driving as I've been doing. I try my best to keep it within ten over the limit. For example, on my night driving adventures I stay a hair below 75. Once it's daylight, I gun it up to a hair below 80. Something (I think it's a rationalization) tells me that I'm safe with ten over. The cops want the big score - like 20 or more over. My measly ten over isn't worth their time. I think that's what got me nailed today. I was going nearly 60 in a 45 - fifteen over. If only I'd been going 54 or even 55, I'm sure he'd have let me go.

Ah, well... It was just my turn today. And, the moral of the story? Be nice. Nice got me a ticket for five over when he easily could have blasted me for the full fifteen. I'm sure it'll save me a little money and I just feel better for it. Nice beats asshole in most situations, traffic stops included. Who would have thought?


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