The Back At It Top Ten

I'm back writing, but there is one thing I haven't written - A Top Ten List. For the uninitiated, I used to write them somewhat occasionally, more so after I learned that my PL (my 'platonic love', also for the uninitiated) loves them. A Top Ten List is simply ten odd musings. Most have nothing to do with anything of consequence. Still I enjoy writing them and she enjoys reading them. And that, for me, is enough.

As always, in no particular order...

10. There are worse things than failing. Success isn't always as awesome as they say it is.

9. I'm making my drinks stronger these days. If I named names, I'd say I'm drinking "________ drinks' but I don't name names. Suffice it to say, my tolerance is building. And I don't mind being drunk as much as I did one short month ago.

8. Counseling is great. Simply because someone is paid listen to me talk about me.

7. I listen to songs on repeat while I write. At the moment? Craig Campbell's "Keep Them Kisses Coming" for no other reason than it's the last song I downloaded on iTunes.

6. I'm flattered that people read my blog. I've had a banner month. I suspect a stalker. Still views are views. And I shall take them.

5. There is someone I love sleeping next to. And it's not for the reason you think. So stop thinking it.

4. I hate poetry, but I do love writing Haiku. 5-7-5. P.S. I only do it when I'm heartbroken.

3. Once upon a time I went to a cock fight. And won twenty bucks. Almost told the story to a friend headed to Shreveport for the weekend. Then decided since she'd never been to S'port, she might not need to know. "Ya'll goin' to see the roosters?" I can't make this shit up.

2.  I should start running again. I don't weigh a damn thing (of course I don't eat a damn thing). I'd probably be hella fast. Until I ran out of fuel and passed out.

1. I owe everything I am to two people. One is a friend. The other used to be. Regardless, I will never pass a day without thanking whatever gods may be for their courage, fortitude, and insight.


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