I remember now why I don't drink. With my cell phone nearby. It's not just the crushing hangovers. I have this... tendency... to say things I feel the immediate need to apologize for. Why in the Hell would I ever think that was even moderately appropriate? Yeah, I wouldn't. Sober. Admittedly, I'm better than most drunks if all I do is send a few text messages. Still, it bothers me. I'm better than this. Sober. Yes, sober. Which I am most of the time. God, I'm her. That girl, the one who can't handle her alcohol. Sure, I stopped short of PI and/or a Drunk & Disorderly arrest, but still... I can't handle it AND a social life. 'I'm sure your body feels damn good...'. Some may say she was begging for that response. I'm not a believer. It was innocent conversation that my drunk ass took down a road she never expected. How do I know (which another friend asked)? Hmm... No response speaks volumes, don't you think? Of course, she could be...