Ten Recent Discoveries

Because I like lists (like David Letterman but without the adultery) and because I've learned a lot recently, here's a Top Ten List for Today, October 9, 2009.

1. The parking lot at the HEB (at Slaughter and Manchaca) slopes nicely downward if you come out the right door. One little push off and you can ride your buggy downhill all the way to your car, if you have a fairly decent parking place (Yes, I am forty. And yes, assumed I'd stop riding buggies long ago).

2. Alone is preferred unless you have someone other than yourself you prefer being with. Of course, alone is still cool. You just won't want to do it as much.

3. Truly what you resist persists. For the most part. Not always. However, in this case, for me, it's true. Last Friday I decided that I was (once again) happily single. Then on Saturday night, I had what turned into a first date. Now a week later, I'm happily not single.

4. If you don't want to cry, don't ask a friend to post Happy Hour pics on her Facebook page. Case in point, last night. I asked. She obey. I cried. I liked where I was (very much in fact), but it didn't stop me from missing my friends and wishing I was right there with them. As my good friend, Lifford, once said when discussing the endurance of friendship, "it's the taking of a photo of an empty chair... or two".

5. When you forget to do laundry, your sports bra options for the afternoon workout will be as follows (a) a scudgy dirty one, (b) wait for a clean one when the laundry gets done, or (c) skip the workout. The laundry may be in the washer, but the jury will still be out. If you remember to put it in the dryer, you might still catch the workout. Unless it's after 5pm. Then you'll just skip it and say (rationalize) that the gym is too crowded that time of night.

6. A new town isn't so bad once you figure out why you're there.

7. Thinking about drinking is almost as fun as actually drinking. Ok, not really, but when you're broke it's a nice rationalization.

8. It's okay to hate Facebook and still be on it all the time.

9. It's better to fight and exorcise your demons than it is to pretend they don't exist. As long as thoughts don't become things.

10. Happiness that follows unhappiness is the best kind.


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