News You Can Use?

I don't write much about current events. This is true. I pay attention to the world around me, but only in limited doses. I probably should care about the tsunami that hit Samoa or about the status of the talks with Iran their nuclear capabilities. However, I just don't. It's not that my world is full. Not hardly. It's just that prefer to worry about those things that lie within my sphere of influence. Why get my panties in a wad about something I have absolutely no control over? I'd rather expend my brain power on something that matters. To me. Call me selfish. It's OK. I am.

The other reason why I don't pay much attention to the world around me is that it pisses me off. The news broke this morning that Nike was re-issuing it's sponsorship of Michael Vick. A guy goes to prison on felony charges and he gets free shoes and zillions of dollars? It's bad enough the NFL let him back in. If I got a felony and spent 20 months in prison, I assure you my company would NOT hire me back. As soon as that felony conviction came in, my "administrative leave" that began the day I was arrested upon suspicion of committing a felony would have been revoked and I'd have been canned. And no, I wouldn't be rehire eligible. So, yeah... I'm a little pissed. The good news is that Nike did not offered Vick a sponsorship. That was mistakenly leaked by Vick's people. Well, thank God. It's only a matter of time before someone picks him up, though. Hasn't anyone ever heard the term "role model"? I think playing professional (or college sports for that matter) should have as much to do with athletic ability as it does character. The men and women that we cheer on and whose products we buy ought to have our respect for more than being able to hit home runs or throw touchdowns. They should be solid citizens we (and our children) can look up to and be proud of. If it was up to me, Michael Vick would be nowhere near the NFL. Sorry for your bad luck, Michael. Start looking for a job that doesn't run a background check. Let me assure you, it's hard to find one these days.

And back to the subject of role models. Let's discuss Serena Williams recent "outburst" at the U.S. Open. OK, at my job, if I was to tell a co-worker or customer that I was going to kill them, I'd be without a job. In most of U.S. workplaces (and make no mistake, Serena was at 'work'), that kind of statement is considered a "terroristic threat", even when intended euphemistically, and leads directly to termination. Without rehire eligibility (seeing a pattern?). What did Serena receive (other than semi-finalist prize money)? A small fine probably equivalent to $50 bucks in my world. Ooh... I hope that taught you a lesson, Serena. I'm sure it didn't.

This is exactly why I pay so little attention to the world. It just makes me pissy. And because I have absolutely no say about what happens, it makes me even pissier. It's just easier to keep to myself and not watch or read the news. Okay, okay. So there's a little good news intermingled in with all the horrifically crappy news. For example, I read today on MSN that "Glamour" is going to run a feature article in which all the models will be normal sized women, meaning sizes 10 and above. I think this is great news. When women look at the pictures of these women (and I've seen a picture of the seven models), they are going to immediately feel better about themselves. The women in the article are beautiful and so are their bodies. They have body fat and curves and breasts (that don't appear to be store-bought). They look like real women, not mannequins. Don't get me wrong, they are not over-weight per se. They are normal. And they are supremely attractive.

Now, I'm not going to run out and gain a few pounds just because "Glamour" says it's okay. My preferred body type (for MYSELF, not my necessarily for my partners) is much more muscular and lean. I love curves on a woman, especially if she carries herself with confidence, but not on me. I like to look in the mirror and see only cuts and veins. But that's just me. Still I'm so happy to see "Glamour" making a move in the right direction. Women need to feel beautiful and love their curves, not try to constrict themselves into some crazy, unattainable image that is ultimately not very attractive.

God knows I have an opinion about nearly everything, so it's just better for me to ignore the world around me. All that bad news makes me seem really, really crabby. And I'm not. I'm up-beat. For the most part. Until I discover something that pisses me off. Then I go all crabby. It's a fun circular argument that just makes me dizzy. I've found that it's better if I bury my head in the sand and ignore all the bull shit. I can't stand and I can't change 99.9% of what goes on in the world. And sadly, complaining gets me nowhere. Except pissed off and I hate being pissed off. I think I'll sink back into ignorant happiness. What's the world coming to when not even a picture of seven beautiful normal sized models can change my mind?


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