Perfect Sense

"She'a fire and ice. She's a little crazy but it's nice..."

She doesn't believe. She doesn't think she's beautiful, smart, or worthy. I know different. She is absolutely all of the above. Maybe she wasn't always. If we're being serious, I know for a fact, she's made some questionable decisions. Now, though, I find her changed. And funny, I feel vindicated. I believe people can change. I always knew she could. And I knew she would.

"She's everything I want to do again..."

Ssshh... She doesn't need to know that. You know how women freak out? Yeah, she might. And I need her.

"She's every fantasy. She's ever lover that I've had..."

Yes, she is. She's a lover I've had. She broke up with me and I let her. But damn, if she isn't the best cuddler ever.

In some ways we are better now than we have ever been. Truth be told she is far more attractive for reasons I will never say outloud. Yes, it's the "guns". Damn. It. And so much more.

"It needs no explanation 'cuz it all makes perfect sense..."

I value her friendship so to say anything more would run a risk I'm not willing to take. Unexpectedly and unbelievably, I never expected her to be what she is to me. She is beautiful and smart and worthy. And every fantasy, I've ever had.


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