Goodbye, Status Quo

I've made a lot of difficult decisions recently. I hate change and decisions usually bring some kind of change. Suffice it to say that little in my world is the same. I still have the same physical address (that one was touch-and-go for awhile), cell phone number, and email address, but that's about it. Through this period of flux I've learned a valuable lesson - There is a time and a place for the status quo and there is a time and a place to fear less.

I used to talk a good game about fearing less. It was how I'd decided to live my life. I would stand in my truth at all costs. I would brave the unknown. I moved to Austin, went back to grad school, started writing fiction, took up tennis again, dated, fell in love.

And then the wheels fell off. I started living safe. I started fearing. I worried about everything and couldn't focus. I grew tired, lost my ambition. I began coasting at work and school and in my relationship. I found myself on my knees rather than standing in my truth.

One day, though, something happened. I took the fear I'd been holding onto and discarded it. After much thought, I made what was probably the toughest decision of my life. Lo and behold, I was standing.

Miraculously once I made that decision, a number of others fell into place. I left the status quo behind. I was far from fearless, but I surely did fear less.

My world is very different than it was a few short weeks ago. I'm scared but happy enough. If that makes any sense. Decisions come with ramifications. Each and everyone of them. A new car means a car payment. A new job means missing former co-workers. New friends means less time for old friends. I'm truly trying to focus less on what I'm losing and more on what I'm gaining. Remember, I'm usually a half-full kind of person. A new car means better gas mileage and fewer repair bills. A new job means exciting new challenges. New friends mean new horizons.

Goodbye, status quo. Hello, unknown. Fear, get in the backseat. I'm standing again. And I got this.


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