Morning 'Til Night

'Good Morning, Love.'

The day started sweetly enough. Just moments after my second alarm went off, my phone buzzed and I found a wonderful 'Good Morning' text. Then I got out of bed and the day downshifted into chaos and insanity. By the time my lunch hour arrived, I was ready to leave for the day and drown myself in tequila shots. Keeping in mind that I never drink tequila in 'shot' form might shed a little light on the Hell that was my day. By the time I really did leave for the day, I wasn't sure if I needed a couple xanax tabs or to sweat my way back to sanity on my Spin bike in the sauna that is my garage. I chose exercise over drugs, but I'm fairly certain that sleep will require medical assistance tonight. I'm hanging by a rapidly fraying thread and dying to disappear for a good month. Maybe month and a half. I'll have to let you know.

So how did my day go so wrong? Let's see. I was late. I'm never late, especially when I have an appointment with a new associate. For reasons I choose not to share, my morning necessitated an early phone conversation with a friend and from the point I clocked in five minutes late, I was on the downward slide. Tuesday is my busiest and most crucial day of the week. It's 'schedule' day and I usually try to set aside the majority of my time to work on them. I didn't start until nearly lunch. Everything and anything pulled me away, kicking and screaming perhaps, but away nonetheless.

In the course of my day, I indoctrinated two new associates (I was on time for my second appointment, though I did forget she was coming), got 'volun-told' to take notes on a conference call (I usually work on schedules or eff around while the boss-lady is talking), dealt with several associates who were traumatized after a guy was killed on the road outside the store, got told I'm going to get written up if I don't hire more people and paint the training room, gave breaks to cashiers, pulled a pallet of Pavestone out of the overhead with a forklift, got a phone number I've been wanting for awhile, found a swimmer to round-out my triathlon team, learned that a friend may have a lump in her breast, had to change my schedule for the rest of the week (for the worse), realized that I need to cancel my physical therapy appointment on Thursday morning but never found the time to actually call, got stuck with doing yet another new associate Orientation class this week, lined up associates for said Orientation, and got asked for a zillion things I didn't have time to get. Oy. Oy. And Oy. I did manage to get a few schedules written, but I'm so far behind tomorrow is going to be equally bitchy. I just know it.

Through it all I kept a smile on my face. My other choice was to run screaming which I feel is beneath me. I'm a survivor, damn it. I'll survive. For the record, the sweaty bike ride in the garage did absolutely nothing to improve my day. On a good note, it didn't make it any worse. Probably the only thing that didn't. I love my job and I love my life, but sometimes it's all a beating. Today was just one of those extraordinarily stressful days that simply refuse to quit. Here in a minute, though, I'm going to quit it. Nothing like a going to bed while the sun is still up after popping a prescription sleep aid to show a shitty day what you think of it. Take that and like it, Fucker.


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