Aka...The Breakfast of Champions

I would like it on the record that I don't like Krispy Kreme donuts. I love donuts; I even wish I could eat one every day. I can't do that so I have long told myself that I can have one 'tomorrow'. (Luckily) in my relationship with donuts, tomorrow seldom comes. Because of that, I'm far from a donut expert or connoisseur, but I do know what I like. It's not Krispy Kremes. Now I don't judge. If anyone out there loves them and drives MILES out of their way just to have one....well, that's cool. For them. I simply choose to choose a Krispy Kreme exclusively when I want a donut AND it's the only thing I can find. These are, of course, the times when a pack of Hostess minis won't cut it.

Yesterday morning was one such morning. Accidentally running late for work, I needed a quick breakfast and a pick me up. I went to bed with an idea in my head about the coming work day and then suddenly at 7:00am just seconds after my alarm went off, that idea skittered away and I was left with a shoulder shrug, a sigh, and an overwhelming desire for a sugar buzz. It's one thing getting my day started at the near calm of my desk; it's entirely another having to jump in with customers and their paint orders first thing. I can slog my way through the early goings when it's just me, but customers deserve my frenzied best.

On the drive to work, I decided that an Absolutely Zero Monster was a crucial. I assumed I'd get a protein bar or breakfast bar to go with and be done with it. However, as I perused the selections at the convenience store I saw the Krispy Kreme display and made the executive decision to 'fuck it'. The combination of Absolutely Zero monster and donut would easily carry me through the morning. And it would be easy to eat. When late for work, it's best to NOT come in carrying breakfast. I needed something I could eat walking from my car to the door. A Krispy Kreme donut (or any donut) works perfectly.

I bee-lined for the Krispy Kreme cage. At barely 7:20, the selections were slim. Not that it matters much with Krispy Kremes. There's only one kind I've ever actually liked well enough to crave - Pumpkin Spice, only available in select markets in the fall and early winter. Knowing I wouldn't get my one and only, my decision was fairly easy. Chocolate 'old fashioned' or traditional Krispy Kreme glazed with chocolate and sprinkles? My only other options involved jelly or custard filling. Seriously, no thank you. On the donut continuum, filled are my least favorite. That's not to say I won't eat them; they just have to be the only choice and I have to really, really want a donut (My absolute favorite? Un-glazed buttermilk. Yes, for real). I quickly weighed it out and chose the sprinkle one. The chocolate selection looked too heavy and I didn't think it would combine well with the Absolutely Zero Monster. One sprinkle donut and one large Monster drink, aka The Breakfast of Champions, $3.00, and some change later and I was out the door and on my way to work.

I think I found the ultimate breakfast. Sure, the nutritional experts talk about oatmeal and egg white omelets, but I know different. Well, at least for the active work lifestyle. If I'd been sitting at my desk all morning, I probably would have sugar buzzed my way out of my skin. However, for hustling around a paint department selling paint and down-stocking product, a donut and Monster are perfect. Plus, I made it well through my usual lunch hour before I even thought about being hungry. Then once I got to lunch, I wasn't extraordinarily hungry. I chose to sustain my energy with a protein bar and bottle of water. I bounced my way through the last two hours of my shift then went to the gym and had a mind blowingly awesome run.

Should I do this every day? Absolutely not. If I did it every day, I'd lose the power. My body would get used to the buzz and it's effectiveness would diminish over time. I truly believe we have to keep our bodies guessing. This means all things in moderation, including egg white omelets, oatmeal, donuts, and Absolutely Zero Monsters. We could certainly add 'pizza' to that list. When eaten sparingly, it has the ability to provide me with a blast of running supremacy. However, if I ate it every night to prepare for every morning run, it would stop working for my benefit.

Obviously, my nutritional theories are a bit non-traditional, but I know what works for me. This why cookie-cutter diets don't work. We assume that every body processes food the same way. This is far from the case and means that what works for one may not work for all. It's yet another square-peg-round-hole debacle. I don't advocate my 'diet' plan for everyone, but what I do suggest is that we explore within to see what really works. For me it's a Krispy Kreme donut and Absolutely Zero Monster for breakfast. On occasion. Other days it's Multi Grain Cheerios and coffee. I think tomorrow it might be a honey chicken biscuit and Diet Coke from Whataburger, but we'll have to see.


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