Join Now Or Suck It Later

I can't wait to tell all the haters to suck it. Well, maybe not the 'haters' as much as the 'ignorers'. I don't have haters necessarily. These days I don't draw nearly enough attention for that kind of attention. People don't hate me anymore;  I guess that's the good news. Of course, they don't seem to like me with any kind of renewed fervor either. I'm largely ignored, pigeon-holed for lack of a better word. People don't not like me, but they don't seem to like me either. I'm stuck in a weird nether-world of ignorance. By that I mean ignorance of me. And believe me, as uncharacteristic as it may seem, I'm ready to tell them all to suck it.

It's not about vindication. It's about a lesson, an opening of minds. I know that when my world takes off and ignorance of me becomes rare, people will want to jump on the bandwagon - my band wagon. They'll want a piece of me, a handout, or to simply say they 'know me'. I'm here to reassure everyone - if you don't want me now, I won't want you then. That said, now is the time to join the Entourage. Ok, it's not like I want or need a real entourage in the Diva sense. I can't imagine having a dozen or so minions milling around me at all times attempting to take care of my every whim (However... It might be cool to have a personal assistant, personal chef, personal trainer, financial advisor, accountant, IT professional, marketing guru, editor, food taster, pool/cabana girl, chauffeur, bartender, etc but I digress). I'm talking about an 'inner circle' of trusted friends that care about me and not what my accomplishments can do for them. I don't think I will ever trust anyone I didn't trust 'before' (With the marked exception of Ashley Judd. There's a place holder with her name on it).

So go ahead and ignore me. Truth be told, I'm ignoring you, too. I'm too busy planning my future. Maybe it seems a bit forward to worry about all this now, before fame actually hits. I would agree except for one thing - Thoughts do become things. I'm thinking the right way in order to bring the right things to me. It's not that I want to be famous. I want my words to be famous. And they will be. I'm fairly sure of this. And anyway, what's the worst that happens? This blog pisses off people who won't bother to read it because they're too busy ignoring me? Yeah, I'm willing to risk it.

One day all the nay-sayers, ignorers, and haters will suck it. I hate it for all of them, but hopefully they will learn something about their ignorance  - that they can't disregard people when it's convenient and hop on their coattails when there's something to be gained. It might be best to start being nice to me now. Not that I'm going to be mean later on. It's not in my character. I am nothing if not forgiving. Of course that doesn't mean that I'll forget either. If I remember not to forget them in the first place. Which with my memory is entirely possible. Last warning - Join the Entourage now. Or suck it later.


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