Things I Want

I don't want much in life. I try to mostly want things within my sphere of influence and stay away from wanting things firmly in my sphere of concern (to reference a little Stephen Covey). It's bad to want things you have no control over getting. It leads to frustration and invariably fist pounding and maybe a little whining. Given that I hate all of those things, I choose to want differently. For the most part. I'm not perfect. Assuredly there are things I want that I have absolutely no control over. I mean I can talk to God and put positive thoughts out there in the hopes that prayers and thoughts become things, but I'm not going to hold my breath or stand on one foot until they come to pass. Remember, I'm a realist. Somethings are bound to happen and others...? Well, let's just agree that, while faith is good, there's no telling. Add to that the fact that I am BROKE (caps intended) and can't afford a damn thing and we've got a little puddle of water at our feet that is evaporating rapidly (that would be what's left of the snowball that apparently didn't have a shot in Hell).

So what do I want? I've got a little list going. Please don't confuse this list with my Bucket List. These aren't things I'd like to accomplish before I die. No, these are things I'd like more immediately than that. They are also small potatoes compared to marrying Ashley Judd and hiking The Camino in Spain (two items on my current Bucket List). Admittedly some could be considered 'pipe dreams'/'shots in the dark' because they are a light-year from my sphere of influence. Without counting, I think it's a good half and half - half stuff I can maybe actualize and half stuff thoughts are going to have to make things.

Things I Want... In no particular order of importance...
  • A bobble-head Jesus ($6.99 on various websites)
  • A cross tattoo...among a few others (if I get home to Texarkana, I might be able to get at least one done for cheap)
  • My house to sell and my doggies in Austin with me (I'm meeting with Realtor #4 next weekend, so we'll see. The doggies to Austin part may prove to be just as difficult)To be debt-free (September 2011, if my current non-spending habits continue)
  • A second date...for a change (absolutely no control...though I guess my odds would be better if I at least asked)
  • A vacation alone on a beach (I'll do it eventually - once I'm debt-free)To sell at least one copy of my a stranger (It's Austin. I can probably accomplish this one)
  • A clean car (definitely do-able, if I truly had the inclination and/or the cash to hit the car wash)
  • More products made with Splenda (No control here, though I can probably do some research on-line or check out Central Market and/or Whole Foods)
  • Lower gas prices (yeah, no dice)
  • An urban-commuter bike (I do have birthday money, but I think that will be spent going to Texarkana to meet with Realtor #4. Maybe once I'm debt-free)
  • Continued peace in my soul (Done)
  • A friend (or two) to visit me in Austin (I've invited lots of people over and over. And nothing. I'm going with no control on this one)
  • To skate the skate trail in Texarkana again (That's the plan in and around meeting with Realtor #4 and painting)
  • A double order of fried okra...with gravy (Soon I will be a half mile from a Chicken
  • A mosquito-free summer (which reminds me - I need to treat the backyard with 'Bug Free Backyard' soon...still I'm not expecting a miracle)
Before the frustration, fist pounding, and whining start, I should probably get started on what I can get started on. I shall leave the rest to God. From the looks of my list, He's got the tougher road. Eh, He's God. I think He's got this.


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