Broke Cravings

Lately I've had this craving for a (diet, of course) Cherry Limeade. I guess it's that time of year when quenching thirst and being refreshed are kind of a big deal. Then last night I saw a commercial for a new kind of Captain Morgan spiced rum. This particular one is infused with lime. So, let me get this straight - My rum comes already with lime in it? Cool beans. Now, I'm usually a Bacardi Silver girl, unless I happen to be feeling rich or party with the right friends (nothing like a Pampero and diet Dr. Pepper or diet root beer), however this lime-flavored thing has me going tonight. What if I combined the diet Cherry Limeade with this new rum? Hell, what if I combined the diet Cherry Limeade with any kind of rum (ooh, like Bacardi Coconut) for that matter? Liquid Nirvana, absolutely positively liquid Nirvana.

Why am I not on my way to Sonic for a large (or maybe Route 44) diet Cherry Limeade? Several reasons. The overarching concern is money. I am broke. Yes, so broke that I can't come up with the two bucks it'd cost at Sonic. I mean sure, I could probably rifle through my change jar and cup holder in the truck and come up with enough and I'm certain I have a few dollars left in my checking account, but it's the principle for me at this point. I'm trying to save money and only spend what I really need to spend, like when I forget my lunch at home or need my tennis racket re-strung. I'm saving for several very important items - contacts, new running shoes, and an additional tennis racket. It's going to take me a minute to accrue the money for all that and occasional two dollar trips to Sonic only move me in the wrong direction. Sadly, I must admit that my life is that finely tuned. I hate living like this, but if I can just hang on one more year like this, I will be debt free.

I guess it's pretty clear at this point that if I can't afford the diet Cherry Limeade, I can't afford the rum to put in it. So, I'm out of luck on this craving. For the moment. Sooner or later, the craving will get so bad that I'll eat the two bucks, get the diet Cherry Limeade, and steal some of my roommate's Bacardi Coconut. Or maybe it will just fade all together.

Sometimes that does happen with cravings. I just have to keep my mind off of it. I simply won't look at the two Sonics I have to pass on my drive to and from work and I'll change the channel if the commercial for the new Captain Morgan comes on. While I'm at it, I may want to avoid commercials about pizza and not look at the Panda Express I pass by every day. Those cravings are growing as well. Say what you want about TV advertising, but it works. Yes, I know I could avoid 90% of it by boycotting TV, but I'm probably not going to do that any time soon. I will have to fall back on sheer will power. I've always been pretty good at it. For awhile.


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