The Debit Card Miracle of 2011

Sometimes the reasons why take a minute. Sometimes the wheels to Grace are set in motion long before we ever realize. And sometimes Grace arrives before we even know we need it. I know all this to be true because of the Debit Card Miracle of 2008 and because of the unique storm drain placement in front of my house.

Near the end of 2008, I had pretty much destroyed my debit card. I grew tired of carrying my purse when I went out so I started putting my ID and my debit card in my back pocket. Back near the end of '08, I went out a lot so they took a beating. The debit card more so than my ID. It had a nifty hairline fracture that got worse by the day and it worked sporadically.  I planned to stop by the bank to order a new one before it completely ripped in half, but I never made it there. Then one day, a debit card arrived in the mail. It was fresh, new, and nothing short of a miracle. Fast forward a few months, another debit card arrived in the mail. I didn't realize the miracle of this second debit card until just recently. However, for whatever reason, I tucked the additional new debit card in my wallet. Every time I cleaned out my wallet, I'd see it in there with the 'call here to activate' sticker still firmly in place and I'd always just let it ride.

Fast forward to Wednesday night. After looking at the mountain of laundry threatening to overtake my bedroom, I decided it was time to head to a friend's house to do laundry (our washing machine has been out for about two weeks). I gathered my laundry, my phone, keys, and debit card. The phone went in one pocket and my keys and debit card in the other. I nearly forgot the debit card at home but at the last minute I remembered my plan to go to the grocery store after starting my laundry. When I got out to my car, I set the laundry basket down by the passenger side door and reached in my pocket to pull out my keys. As luck would have it, my debit card came flying out right behind them. As luck would not have it, I'd parked right over the storm drain in front of the house. Now, I'd told myself many, many times that something would eventually slip down the drain if I continued my habit of parking there. On Wednesday night, it was my debit card. I crawled on the ground and hoped I might be able to reach it, but it was gone.

I was on the edge of panic. Getting a new debit card (without miraculous intervention) can take awhile and I am decisively dependent upon mine. Then I remembered the second debit card sitting in my wallet. Sure enough, it was still there. I checked the expiration date (it was still good). I admit I was nervous calling the activation number. What if they told me I'd waited to long? Thankfully, there isn't a statute of limitations because I was good to go in matter of moments. An hour or so later, I broke it in at HEB without a problem.

Back in '08, I had no idea why I got that second debit card. Little did I know that it was waiting for me to drop the first debit card down the sewer so it could be part of  the Debit Card Miracle of 2011. See? Sometimes the reasons why take a minute, sometimes Grace arrives ahead of schedule, and sometimes miracles happen twice. I am indeed blessed.


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