A Couple Rationalizations And a Left Hand Ring

A month ago I stopped wearing one of my rings. Specifically the ring I wore on my left ring finger. The 'word on the street' was that the ring made me appear taken and thus unavailable. Now I've always heard that married people seem more attractive because of their unavailability. Unfortunately, I didn't experience this first hand. Of course, I'm not really married so maybe that 'attactiveness' has more to do with energy than a ring. In either case, it didn't work for me. Then again neither did not wearing the ring.

It's not like I expected women to come out of the woodwork when they suddenly realized I wasn't wearing a 'left hand ring' and might thus be available. I did, however, hope for the woodwork thing. Perhaps I should have hoped harder because I got a whole lot of nothing for my efforts. At this point, I've assumed it's more about me than a ring. As discouraging as that may sound, I'm not discouraged. I've decided that I don't care. I know what people are missing by overlooking me. That's most definitely on them and their bad.

This is, of course, a rationalization. It has to be. I'd be crazy to be cool with no one liking me. I don't think I'm kidding myself about my attractiveness, intelligence, or spiritual evolution. Unfortunately in my world these things don't equate to a girlfriend. Hell, they don't even equate to a flirtation. I'm beginning to think it's Austin. The women here just don't get me. The women, the straight women, in Texarkana got me and liked me. The lesbians there? Yeah, they liked me about as well as the lesbians in Austin. Which is to say that when not calling me an 'arrogant bitch', they pretty much ignored me. As discouraging as this may sound, I'm not discouraged. I can always move. Or date straight women. I've done both before.

Sure, all this may be yet another rationalization. Maybe no one will ever get me anywhere I ever go. Now that would be discouraging. I like to tell myself that if there was a beach, I'd be cool with not being liked. I also like to believe it. After all, I love the beach and so does my soul. Of course, I also tell myself that I wouldn't need the Anti-Everything Pills if I had regular access to a beach. I guess we'll have to see on all of the above counts when I relocate to a beach city.

In any case, I'm back wearing the ring on my left hand. I love the ring, what it means, and the woman who gave it to me. Anyone who doesn't get that or me can suck it. I mean in general, not me or the ring. I'm tired letting others make me feel inadequate. I know I'm adequate and can argue intelligently that they (whoever 'they' are ) are the inadequate ones. That, of course, may be just another of my rationalizations. Hey, the AEPs only get me so close to sanity. A good rationalization or two (or three) can easily get me the rest of the way. And when trying to get someone to get you, sanity is key. Absolutely key. Especially when you wear a ring on your left hand


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