Ultimately, Yes

I'm a believer in Ultimately. Which really means that I believe in the future. Today may be so-so and the possibilities far from endless, but the future... that's where it just might be. What? Anything. Everything. Ultimately, every wish I have may come true. Or it may not, but I try very hard to stay positive when it comes to dreams and wishes. Historically (and by this, I mean MY HISTORY), thoughts have become things. Ultimately, yes. Immediately? Yeah, probably not. At least not right now. Everything has it's time and that time is generally speaking sometime in the future.

It's unforeseeable. It is. We can do all the tarot card readings we want and shake our Magic 8 Ball until it breaks, but we will never be any closer to knowing. Sometimes, I think it's better to just let the future evolve. When we start trying to predict it, we start fucking it up. Unlike a lot of people, I don't believe that the future is already written. I think God may have an idea about where we might end up, if we make the right decisions, but by no means is anything guaranteed.

I may occasionally toss the word 'Destiny' around, but it's not something I'm ever going to bet on. Let me put it this way - the Destiny I imagine is seldom the Destiny I eventually arrive at. Things change. I change. What I used to want isn't as important and I change my mind. Either that or I try too hard and/or allow fear to creep in. These kinds of 'what ifs' can be a Destiny killer, if we let them.

If I've learned one thing about Destiny and Ultimately, it's to sit back and just let whatever is going to happen happen. This doesn't mean that we should crawl in bed and let the world spin by. We have to work towards something. Make a decision. Have confidence. Put a few things in motion. Hope. Wish. Envision. Be patient. What's the worst that happens? The Destiny we get isn't the Destiny we originally wanted? Regardless, it's Destiny and by virtue of that we can take solace in the fact that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. 'Ultimately' has come to pass and Grace has arrived.

I guess it all comes back to trust. We just have to trust God and trust Grace. We will get what we need when we need it. And it will be good. We must wait and discover. Sometimes it's really the best decision. Waiting, I mean. If we trust, waiting isn't that hard. We have to know that eventually we will find what we need. Once I learned this, life became a lot easier. Some may think I'm lazy or apathetic, but I'm not. I'm patiently awaiting Ultimately. Ultimately, yes. Immediately, not so much.


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