Hooks Up, Major Holidays, And a Couple Quick Calculations

Factoid: More people hook up on major holidays than any other day of the year. I'm not exactly in a position to argue with that logic. I'm part of the statistic. It makes perfect sense, really. Lonely adults with no family and/or no desire to spend time with family? Toss in a major holiday and the math gets super easy. And I tend to get super lucky.

By major holidays, you have to understand, I mean exclusively Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even though I'm a Christian, Easter doesn't count. Most places are open and I don't get an automatic day off or holiday pay. The same goes for Halloween, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July. None are 'family' holidays, like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Those days have family written all over them. Unless you're single and live a light-year away from family and choose to stay a light-year away. Even if you're Amish or Mormon, that kind of loneliness is a spring board for hooking up. This means that people, who normally may not hook up, hook up.

Need proof? Ok, let's do some quick calculations. There are 363 days in the year that are not major holidays and only two that are. I've spent four major holidays in Austin. I've hooked up on two of them. That's fifty percent. I have lived roughly 720 non-major-holiday-days in Austin. This means that if I was as likely to hook up on normal days as on major holidays, I would have hooked up plus or minus 360 days since moving to Austin. For the record, I have not.

I do have to say I have enjoyed two really fun major holidays though. And thankfully so. Being in a new place far away from family and friends is rough, even when you're not a big celebrator. And I'm generally not one to care much about holidays or loneliness. However, if it gets me laid...

So sue me. I hook up once, maybe twice, a year. And it just happens to be on major holidays. I honestly don't think I'm all that different from most single people (except they probably hook up more often than I do). I still think that little factoid is true. Seriously, if you ask most lonely, single people what they want for Christmas they're going to say 'get laid'. In addition, they don't care if they eat Cracker Barrel or Taco Cabana instead of Aunt Edith's chicken and dressing for Thanksgiving dinner, as long as there's drinks and they get laid later on. These are the facts of the adult single life. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.


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