Grace By Any Other Name

I haven't practiced that level of genius in a very long time. In a way, it was true genius; in another, a nify euphemism for stupidity. I'm good at navigating that particular gray area. And believe me - there's a gray area. Stupid isn't always stupid and genius isn't always genius. Except when they are and excluding when they aren't. Most people don't understand that it's not entirely black and white and seldom easy once you get to analyzing. There isn't a definitive line or a sign that says, 'Welcome to Stupid: Population 1', nor is there a warning sign that says, 'Now leaving Genius'. Nope. Unfortunately, the difference between stupid and genius is more like Area 51 complete with no-fly zone or the bridge in 'Three Billy Goats Gruff', complete with ugly troll. In other words, it's not always easy to tell where you are and what once seemed genius can inexplicably turn to stupid. Thankfully, it also works in reverse - what once seemed stupid can become genius, with or without analysis and/or notice.

This is the stuff miracles are made of and some of the best evidence of God's love. Of course it goes both ways. God loves us even when we're stupid. And on many painful occasions, stupid is what is needed in order to find genius (and thus Grace) at a later date. Over the years, I've wanted to suck back plenty text messages, emails, two-a-days, tears, and conversations. Once 'out there', they seemed tantamount to life-alteringly stupid. In the long run, however, they turned out to be genius and exactly what I had to do to get from Point A to Point B. Sure, it may all be in the analysis or the interpretation, but in my mind, Grace by any other name is still Grace. Even if some call it 'Stupid'.


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