My Fantasy...In My Head

'You fulfill my my head.'

~ J. Derulo

I'm not thinking it's a bad idea. Having my fantasies fulfilled in my head, I mean. It beats thinking that they'll actually come true in real life. Invariably unfulfilled fantasies, especially the ones that seem borderline realistic, lead to a host of psychological consequences, including lowered self-esteem and ego-deflation. My psyche isn't delicate, but it doesn't need to be tested. Being able to live out my actual fantasies, while a potentially fun idea, could have disastrous ramifications. I've had plenty of those over the years, so I think I'm fairly content to keep well enough in my head.

When I think 'fantasy' I think eventual mess. That's why this fulfilling fantasies in the head seems like a fabulous idea. For example...

1. It's a lot less heartbreaking because given that it's my fantasy, I get to dictate how it ends.

2. Less chance of disease transmission (seriously, you gotta think about these things).

3. When I get bored, I can simply trade her in for a new model. No whining, crying, or stalking. Unless I want her to. Which is all within my power. Because it's my fantasy.

4. She can shape-shift from Ashley Judd to IT Girl #1 to IT Girl #2 to Ryan Reynolds and back again. All in one sitting.

5. Less chance of spouses/partners/boyfriends/girlfriends finding out. Given that I'm the only one who really knows and I'm not telling.

6. Ample opportunity to 'get with' people I'd ordinarily never be able to 'get with' (thus the term 'fantasy', I suppose). For examples, see #4 above. All with no lines and no waiting.

7. It's absolutely guilt-free interaction. I'm not so worried about myself, but others tend to get over-wrought with guilt and get stupid.

8. No dumb girls allowed. What is totally unrealistic in real life can become real in my fantasies.

9. It's decidedly cheaper. I don't have to blow money on drinks, dinner, etc. And being so close to debt free, I'm mindful of such things.

10. I've given up (actual) sex just for the sake of sex. No, I'm not a born-again virgin nor will I wait until marriage, but I've grown weary of hum-drum random sex. Pardon me for wanting it to 'mean' something from here on.

There you go. Ten very good reasons why it's so much better for me to fulfill my fantasies in my head. I'm excited to be able to think about whomever I want, whenever I want, without fear of rejection, reprisal, fuss, or muss. It's perfect really. I, for one, am excited about the opportunty. So many to choose from, I wonder who will be first...?


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