Choose Love

There's been a lot of talk about hatred lately. Venom has been spread and words have been spoken. By both sides. I get the feeling in a lot of cases that we hate them as much as they hate us. We of course make it sound like they are the bad guys. However, in my mind, hate is hate. It makes us all the bad guys.

I'm not a fan of hate. I don't do it and I don't condone it. Think about the double standard. We don't think it's right for them to hate us for XYZ reason so we hate them for hating us. How is our brand of hatred any different than theirs? Ours is more righteous? More justified? More fact based? The problem is that the other side believes that they are more righteous, more justified, more fact based, too. What we end up with is a good old fashioned stand off. We're not budging and they're not budging. We are all right, remember? In our own minds at least.

For example, I've heard that certain members of 'pro-family'/Religious Right groups advocate the removal of members of the GLBT community from this country. Much like many people advocated the removal of newly emancipated slaves back in the 1800s, there has been talk of moving us to an island where we will likely die off due to lack of procreation. Let me just say that would be one festive island with lots of drag shows, softball games, and 70s nights in the bars. In other words, it'd be a straight vacation hot spot. Once we figured out how to make fire and got our website up and running.

In response to this island threat, I've heard several members of the GLBT community say that they wish they could send members of anti-gay, Christian zealot groups to an island somewhere. Let me say that would be one festive island with lots of strip clubs, casinos, and drunken wedding receptions. Except on Sunday when they would shut everything down to prove to their Lord that they are good, God fearing people. At least one day a week. In others words, it would be a GLBT vacation mecca. Six days and five nights only, though. All flights would have to be off the island by midnight Saturday.

Alright so... They're saying 'We've got to get rid of the fags because God hates fags'. We're saying 'We've got to get rid of these Haters because haters gotta hate'. Wait a minute. I can clearly see in our stance that 'haters gotta hate'. We hate because they hate, but it's ok because they hated us first? It's the old 'they started it' argument. Funny, that didn't fly with my mom when my sister kicked the crap out of me as kids and I retaliated. Usually I got in more trouble for not taking the high road.

The GLBT community talks about how Jesus loves us, he would hang out with us. If we're so big on Jesus, why don't we do what he said and turn the other cheek? Why don't we love our haters as Jesus did? Why do we have to stoop to their level? Why does their solution have to be our solution?

In this country, we have freedom of speech. We can say whatever we want (as long as it's not 'fire' in a crowded theatre). Therefore it's ok to say that God hates fags or that the gay lifestyle is an abomination and ruins the sanctity of marriage. We simply can't act on those words. We can't string up gays on fences or ship them off to an island off the coast of Africa. We can, however, put forth legislation and lobby Congress to change law regarding members of the GLBT community. Keep in mind, if we have that right (ie. to lobby for gay marriage rights), they have the right to lobby against it. One side will eventually win, political correctness will take over the land, and the haters will hate a little more quietly.

In the end, though, I have to ask - Where is the love? If we are this great nation of great people, why don't we spend more time spreading love and understanding? Why are we consumed with hatred and divisiveness? Why does it have to be US vs. THEM? Why can't we focus on what we have in common rather than pinpointing our differences?

I love the freedom I have as a citizen of this country. I love that people can choose to hate or love and express their choice openly. I simply wish more people would see the benefits of the high road. I wish more people would see the benefits of love. What did Jesus say? The only way to God was though him? And what was his message? Love? So what is the way to God? Love.

Choose what you will and know I will love you regardless. Not because my salvation depends on it, but because I know that love is the only way - the only way to end hate and live in peace as One as God intended. So when you have the choice, choose love. I think you'll like it.


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