A Top Ten from a Tired Mind

I'm not sure that I can sustain a thought longer than a sentence or two after the week I've had. Therefore, as luck would have it, my current mindset is ready-made for a Top Ten list. So, heeeeere we go... In the order my brain chose to spit them out...

1. There is only one way to stop being un-fit. Paying for a gym membership every month (and never going) is not the way. Neither is drinking precipitous amounts of sweet tea and vodka while sitting on your ass pretending to write.

2. When you've spent the last month putting in hours of overtime every day, getting off work (only) a half hour late will make you feel like you've worked a half day.

3. 'I love you' can easily be taken out of context.

4. The more finely tuned your sarcasm, the more sincere it seems. Especially when speaking to your boss.

5. Being surrounded by stupidity and ill-conceived logic will make you wish you were dumb so that everything would make more sense.

6. When you replace one crush with another, you won't be disappointed. You will, however, rationalize that her inattention, while probably just an oversight and certainly her loss, was really a blessing in disguise.

7. Everything seems louder at 10:00pm when you have to be up at 6:00am.

8. When you have a zillion stories in your head demanding to be written, you'll wish for a second Chicken Pox Vacation. But with vacation pay this time.

9. Sometimes the only way to be truly alone is to be in a room full of strangers.

10. A well-placed fat deposit can look a lot like awesome muscle definition. At a distance. In a mirror. With smudged glasses.


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