Ugly Sweating and Nine Other Observations from Today

Here are ten things I learned, figured out, observed, or discovered today, Thursday, May 31. It's not that today is any different than any other. I try to learn something about either the world-at-large or myself everyday. Today, though, I'm procrastinating what I should be writing by writing this (i.e. what I don't need to be writing). And that leads to the first 'thing' on my list. As always with these kinds of posts, the order is completely (and probably oddly) random.

(1) I can procrastinate writing with writing with the best of them. Writer's block? Eh, I'll just write something different. There are almost always words swirling around my head. More often than not, they aren't the right words, but writing is writing, right? Well, sort of. Unless it's a business. Which it is. Today, unfortunately, it just happens to be an unproductive business. Hey, the other day I fucked off on my own dime planning a vacation. At least today I'm producing something. Arguably, the quality of that product is somewhat suspect.

(2) I'm going to ugly sweat everyday until October. I think it's time to give over to it. Yes, it's still May (for one more day) but it's already been over 100F several times and my weather app promises many, many more in the fifteen day outlook. Everyone in my world gets one season to bitch about - ONE. Winter's too cold? Ok. Spring's too rainy? Cool. Fall's too pumpkin spicy? Right on. Summer's too hot? I completely f***ing agree. As you may have guessed, summer is my bitch season. At least in Central Texas. Ok, at least in the southern US. And by "southern", I mean everywhere south of Canada. Heat makes me whiny and I don't like being whiny.

(3) The "heat of the day" never ends. It just doesn't. When I get up at 2AM and walk my dogs (yes, I get up that early most days), it's still hot and then it proceeds to get hotter once the sun comes up. So when I told a friend that I wanted to hit (i.e. play tennis) "early, before the heat of the day", I was completely delusional. We needed to hit in April. April was before the heat of the day.

(3) I miss my tennis friends. I haven't played much in 2018 and I miss it. The game, but more importantly the friends I've made playing. Other than a lake trip with one of my league teams later this month, I'm going to have to come to terms with playing in the heat. Of the day. Because, reference #3 above, the heat is an all day thing from now until October.

(4) My forty-nine year old, long distance conditioned legs and tendinitis-y heel can still haul it around a tennis court. Call it good instincts and guesswork. Or a desire to end the points quickly. With a chance that it'll be in my favor. Run to the ball, smack it for a winner...or a loser, one point closer to the air conditioned car ride home.

(5) I'm more than likely going to run a half marathon in October on two runs longer than five miles. One will be the weekend before in Minnesota (where it might actually be less than 90F in October) and the other the day before on a 10k running tour around Reykjavik (where it never gets above 90F. Ever). Who's brilliant idea was it to sign up for a fall half marathon? Knowing how whiny I get about the heat? Yep, I'm that f***ing genius.

(6) An hour of work beats an hour of not working. Have an hour available? Use it. Be productive. Because later, if you're like me, you can rationalize as you procrastinate that you've already been productive so it's ok to do hours of non-to-marginally productive bullshit.

(7) A whole order of cinnamon sticks with vanilla ice cream at Via 313 (a dessert probably intended for a party of four) makes for an incredible cardio workout the next day. Cut carbs then eat a truck load? Once the sugar coma wears off, a power workout awaits.

(8) The more sugar I eat, the more sugar I eat. Reference #7 above and the blueberry muffin I ate for breakfast AND the chocolate chip cookie I had for fika. I've had more sugar in the past two days than in the entire last month combined. Time to break that cycle.

(9) I'm addicted to the Whole Foods salad bar. Which would be ok and a huge step in the right direction dietetically speaking if  I wasn't trying to save money. I've yet to create a salad that weighs less than a pound. And at $9.99/pound... Oy. Add in a Topo Chico Lime or Grapefruit and I'm in it for almost $13. I need never complain about the price of food in Norway ever again.

(10)  I eat at 7-11 with a regularity that belies my fitness level and my nutritional consciousness. Today for lunch, in fact. Hey, it's quick and cheap and surprisingly good (Try the chicken salad sandwich. Really). And it allows me to keep my diet consistent and my budget intact when I travel. Copenhagen and Bergen, for example, have one on every block and I'm not exaggerating. If I keep eating Whole Foods' salads (Reference #9 above) all summer, I better hope Reykjavik and Dubrovnik are chock full of them because I won't be able to afford to eat anywhere else on my next vacations.

Good times. Good procrastination. Finite procrastination. Hey, I stopped at ten. In theory, I should be ready to work. Eh, we'll see. Did I mention it's f***ing hot?


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