A New 'Something' and the Zen of Laziness

I've discovered something that, at least for the immediate future, holds my attention and allows me a non-multitasking laziness. I'd been hoping I'd find something for quite sometime. Traditionally I don't relax or do laziness very well at all. Take right now - I'm watching basketball, eating dinner, and writing this. It's rare to have anything that stops me from doing several things at once. What can I say, my brain bores easily.

So what is it that has enraptured me so epically that I can do it and nothing else? A project for school? No. Tennis? Nope. Remember the Tennis Channel is history (and besides I always multi-tasked while watching even the best matches). A book? Hell, no. I may be reading more than I've read in years, but I still hate it.  A woman? Geez. Alright, yes. It's a woman. Vicariously so. Right on. But there has to be more to it than that. I've multi-tasked my way through Ashley Judd movies and Sam Stosur tennis matches. Oh my God!! It's porn?? No, IT IS NOT PORN. Lord. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but that's not it. Ever. At least for me.

God bless. It does always begin and end with a woman with me, doesn't it? In this case, I'm going to lay at least a little blame on Zen. No, that's not her name. I mean 'Zen', as in Buddhism. It's got me a lot more focused and I haven't really started studying it with any seriousness. I need patience, calm, and relaxation. I need to stop multi-tasking. From what I understand, you can't multi-task your way through Zen, so based on this alone, I think it's a good direction for me. At this point, I'm just taking baby steps, like shuffling my iPod less while working out and focusing on my breathing, rather than my crappy shots, while playing tennis.

Right now, though, it's helping me be lazy. Well, not 'right now' because I'm still watching basketball and writing but it will soon. I'll give all this up and resume my 'laziness marathon'. I should be reading a book for class or playing tennis. I'm doing neither. Today is my last free day off until Thanksgiving (which probably won't be a 'free' day off) so I decided after working on a presentation for four hours this morning and running four miles this afternoon that I'd earned a little mandated laziness. Courtesy of my new 'something'. Yes, it involves a woman, but it's all vicarious and make believe. Which, when it comes to women, is probably my preferred way of doing things. And no, for the last time, it's NOT porn. But it might be a little Zen.


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