Sorry, Ashley...

I've been  thinking a lot lately about how boring it must be to read a blog written by an introvert. I mostly think this when I sit down to write, contemplate the white screen, and realize that I have nothing that most would categorize as 'interesting' or 'fun' going on in my world. Oh, I'm not bored and I'm far from boring. To me. To others? That's the big question.

I'm just not out there moving, shaking, or making grand things happen. I'm quietly living my life all by myself. Yes, I interact with people but it's not on the level of what most would consider interaction. I talk all day long at work - to co-workers, customers, etc -  and I occasionally hangout with friends but nothing exciting ever comes of it. I choose to live my life in the solitude of me and me alone. I don't know anyone who finds this even remotely interesting which is why it shocks me when I see (or hear) that people have read my blog.

Let's for a moment consider what I have going on in my life... This won't take long. Feel free to skim, if it gets boring.

1)  Graduate school starts one month from today. I'm excited to see if I'm still smart.

2)  My shoulder, which occasionally still feels like oatmeal held together by Silly String and rusty paperclips, does seem to be getting stronger.

3)  I'm working hard to once again be called 'the girl with the arms'. I've never cared that what this really means is that I have 'manly' arms.

4)  I've decided not to marry Ashley Judd. I know it's probably shocking to some of my followers who have counted on this like taxes and sunrise, but I feel that our time is over. I refuse to see having a layover in Nashville (where she lives) next month as a Sign that I'm making a hasty decision. That's how far over her I am. 'You're over me? When were you under me?' Sorry, Ashley... I know it ended before it really began.

5)  I've decided to marry Sam Stosur instead (hint: She's a professional tennis player from Australia). Yes, I know she is frightfully young (twenty-eight to my forty-three), but she has those arms. I have always wanted to date someone as fit as me or fitter and I would love to know what arms similar to mine feel like. I'll bet she won't take one look at me naked and say, as she makes waving hand gestures in front of my body, 'What am I supposed to do with this????', an ill-phrased compliment to my fitness level. Plus she's a professional athlete. That just screams 'Rockin' cool' to me. Compare all that to a politically active actress... Yeah, so I'm perhaps making the wrong choice. But then again, regarding women, when have I ever made the right choice?

6)  The Olympics start tonight which I am moderately excited about. I plan to skip the opening ceremonies, however. I always hate to imagine how much all that pageantry and fanfare cost when people all over the world are starving. I'm a loyal American so I'll root for the U.S. except in tennis, where my future wife is the fifth seed.

7)  My 'hot girl at the gym' (reference my last blog, 'The Holy Grail and a Hot Chick') may have checked me out yesterday. I saw it in the mirror which could mean, given that everything is backwards when looking in a mirror, that I was checking her out and not the other way around. Bummer that...

8)  In three weeks, I will be on vacation. I'm looking forward to time with family and friends, but I'm most excited about the ferry ride across Lake Michigan. Gosh, I hope I don't get seasick. I hadn't thought of that.

9)  Forty-three year old legs can still do 'suicides' and other tennis speed/footwork drills and live to tell. I feared the-day-after-the-day-after (when muscle soreness seems to always reach it's fevered pitch), but I came through unscathed. Weird, strange, and scary.

10)  I still approach my tennis game like I'm a seventeen year old trying to make the Varsity. I don't see this as a bad thing.

And to think I could have turned each one of those statements into a full-on blog. Boring is ok in limited doses so I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. In any case, I'm not going to apologize for being an introvert. It might be boring from the outside looking in, but it's who I am and all I've got. Keep reading if you wish. I'm not making any promises it'll be interesting.


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