Practical Magic

I'm running from a Masterpiece right now. Well, it could eventually be a masterpiece. I should be working on it right now - writing those words instead of these, but I'm not in the mood to be philosophical or important. I'm in a frivolous, blah mood and on the border of stressed and pissy. In my experience, all that doesn't mix well with philosophical/spiritual/theological significance. This is about all I can muster this morning. I started the other last night, but quickly found myself tired and distracted. Tired and distracted don't mix well with philosophical/spiritual/theological significance either. I'm telling you, when I finally get around to writing it, a paradigm will shift.

Everything in it's own time, I suppose. In the interim, I'm going to let it burn and see where that takes me. At some point, the mood (and inspiration) will strike and The Words will come. I've learned not to worry about my occasional lack of motivation. It always seems to return eventually. Well, historically anyway, even though there is a first time for everything.

I don't fear first times. Right about now, I'd welcome something new and/or improved. The cusp of a Masterpiece notwithstanding, I'm bored and bothered by my boredom. I'm tired of the same old, same old, so tired in fact that I'm determined to jettison everything that even closely resembles it. I'm pretty sure it's where the Masterpiece is rooted, theoretically speaking, but I need some sort of practical magic. I need a spark, something beyond the every day, something part magical and part inspiring.

Of course, I'd like it to be my choosing this time. Ah-ha! Let's hope that there is a first time for everything. I'm not saying that I think I'm powerless and that things just happen to me. On the contrary, I think I have great power to affect change, however I'm usually one step behind. I'm the girl who gets to the bus just as it's pulling out and ends up splashed by a mud puddle. Thankfully (or maybe it's as a result of), I don't wear much white.

So, what's it going to be? Not a clue. I think I'll head to the gym for a little while this morning before going to my same old, same old job. I'm not expecting magic, but I'll keep my eyes open just in case. There is a first for everything. Ugh... I'm tired of being tired. Some day I'll find the change. Some day I'll finish the Masterpiece. I'm just skeptical that today's the day.

I need a blind curve in the worst way. It's been awhile and the last one didn't end as good as it started. For a moment, though, I had hope. I need a little of that back. Hope, I mean. And a little practical magic.


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