With a Capital B

The face of Beauty has been in my mind for days. I see her then I don't. Imagine her, forget, then imagine her again. Iridescent and ephemeral, yet real and present, she lives in the world - works, loves, perseveres, hopes, dreams. This, of course, goes on in world far, far away from mine. Regardless, I am undaunted. Because right now, right at this very moment, I can see her. Or not. It is all of my choosing. And no matter what, no matter the day of the week, the amount of traffic on Hwy 71, or how tired I am, I always see her the same way - soft and smiling, her beauty mocking perfection.

Then, without a doubt, I laugh and smile a shy, effortless smile. You see, our separate worlds are good enough for me, better than good in fact. I have no need for possession. I like the knowing and the realization. She is...many things, I'm sure...many things I will never know...but to me she Beauty (with a capital B) and that's all I will ever need from her.


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