The Blue Room

When I was at my dad's house a month or so ago, I had a dream about Alicia Vikander. Let's get a couple important details out of the way. (1) It wasn't that kind of dream (Bummer, I know) and (2) The dream wasn't exactly about her; she was, however, the only key player I remember. With all that out of the way, I think it's safe to admit something I've denied since I posted about my dreamy good fortune on social media - I don't think the dream was entirely random.

This is going to sound weird, especially for me, but I think it's the bedroom. Seriously. One of the last times I slept in that same blue guest bedroom a dozen-plus years ago, I dreamed about Jodie Foster. I promise you, it's way too random to actually be random. I'm certain that little blue room is some kind of astral migration, dreamscape portal.

How can I be so sure?

(A) The people in my dreams are 99.9% face-less. I know it's probably something I should discuss with a shrink at some point, but for now it's what we've got. They have bodies, they speak, they do stuff and I interact with them. They all just lack faces. And it's not like what faces they should have are blurred out or redacted; they simply exist outside my (sub) conscious knowledge of them. So, how do I know I dreamed about Jodie and Alicia? THEY HAD FACES. They are part of the .01%.

(B) I dream a lot, but seldom recall the details once I'm fully awake. Other than Jodie and Alicia dreams, I remember just two dreams. (1) I was maybe eight or nine. I woke up screaming because in my dream a UFO had sucked me out of the cockpit of the fighter jet I was piloting. In my dream, I was also screaming. (2) A decade ago in the house on Burma in Texarkana, I dreamed that I was chasing a faceless (See?)  woman around an urban landscape. I woke up unexpectedly, probably because a dog was bothering me. I willed myself back to sleep hoping I would, but knowing probably wouldn't, land in the same dream. BUT I DID.

Then there's the Jodie Dream... It was probably the freakiest and most realistic of the lot. We can speculate about why I was dreaming about her; it was long before either of us were out. In any case, in the dream, I ended up sleeping with her - and I do mean actually sleeping with her, as in next to her (I'm boring, I know). Back in the day, my parents had a cat named Van Halen (No, they aren't that cool. They inherited her and her rock-and-roll name when my step-brother moved out). In the dream, I woke up with a cat sitting on my chest staring down at me. At that exact same moment, in real life, I woke up - with a cat sitting on my chest staring down at me. The dream seemed so real that I actually reached over and expected to find Jodie sleeping next to me. For the record, she wasn't.

Let's do the math.  I'll keep it easy. If we start with the first dream I remember - at approximately age 8, I've slept 14,600 nights. Because I recall dreaming, just not the dreams, let's say I've dreamed on half of those nights. Now, we're at 7,300 nights. Of those, I can only remember four. 4/7300=.00054795 That's less than .06 of a percent. Let's dig even deeper. Two of those dreams happened in the same blue guest bedroom. My step-mom switched up the guest rooms years ago, so I've slept in the pink room next door a lot more often than the Blue Room (the Blue Room is an office now and only used only in guest overflow situations). I've probably slept in that Blue Room twenty times. It might be an over-estimation but I'm going with it. Now, I'll do the same reduction and say I dreamed just half of those nights. That leaves us with 2 dreams out of 10 nights. That's 20%. I don't remember a whole lot from my statistics classes in college and grad school, but I think it's safe to say that there's a statistically significant difference between .055% and 20%.

I'm telling you, the Blue Room is some kind of magical portal. I'm not into sci-fi and fantasy enough to surmise exactly what type of magic or what type of portal. That's all far above my head and my creative powers. What I do know is that I have freakishly memorable dreams about celebs when I sleep there.

Why Jodie and Alicia, instead of, say, Ashley, Sam, or any of the others who have graced my imagination over the years? They're arguably more talented than the lot - both have won Academy Awards (Sam has won a Grand Slam, for the record), but I can't say they are more intelligent or beautiful than the others.  I did fall in love with woman named Jodie at about the time I dreamed of the famous Jodie, but that doesn't explain Alicia. Never been in love with an Alicia, can't say I've known many period. She is Swedish and, generally speaking, I like Swedish things (with the marked exception of gelatinous and pickled fish), but that's a bit of a stretch. Even though, I did watch "Jason Bourne" months ago on the plane home from my Scandinavian vacation (It was the only one in the series I hadn't seen and Julia Stiles was back in the role of Nicky Parsons), previous to the dream Alicia wasn't part of my consciousness. Apparently, my sub-conscious knew something I didn't.

Or it was the Blue Room and its magic portal.

I'll be back in San Diego at my parents' house next week and I'll more than likely stay in the Blue Room. Stay tuned...

*** To my fantasy and sci-fi writing friends, 
let me know if you'd like to write "The Blue Room". 
The idea goes to the highest bidder. ***


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