A BullShit Free Life

In case you think that this blog is going to be definitive source on how to attain a bullshit free life, guess again. Fuck me, I wish it was. Why? Because then I wouldn't be mired in bullshit. I think I'm writing now as therapy. Pure therapy.

I'm angry and incredulous. And not just about one thing. I've got at least couple bullshit producing issues splashing all over me. God as my witness (that probably doesn't pack as much wallop coming from an atheist), I try to avoid it. I don't court it. I don't covet it. I don't hang out with it.

About a year ago, I made a few changes I felt I needed to make in my life. As a general rule, people = bullshit. People, whether they try to or not, propagate bullshit at an alarming rate. So, I separated myself from almost everyone in my life. I have never had as few friends and acquaintances as I have right now. Aversion to bullshit is the reason. But I'm on Facebook all the time? Yep, I am and I have 525 FB 'friends'. I prefer the people in my life to be virtual. Why? Bullshit on social media is easy to deal with - ignore it, delete it or block it. Your choice. Real life bullshit, sadly, is much harder to avoid.

Try as I might, bullshit always seems to find me. Now, I'm pretty easy going. Ask anyone. It takes quite a bit to get me going. I let 99% roll right off me. One small instance of bullshit and I'll hardly notice. Repeated incidences of similar bullshit? Sooner or later, I'm going to fire up. If it involves my money or how I earn my money, it's going to happen that much quicker.

I know what I have to do.

(1)  Win the lottery so I don't have to work. Of course being rich comes with some inherent bullshit, but I'd like to think that I'd be able to avoid most of it. I sure wouldn't have to deal with work bullshit, like crappy schedules and leadership that refuses to lead. Funny, I work in customer service and 'Customers' aren't on my list of bullshit inducing entities. Says a lot about the current state of my employment.

(2) Become a hermit (more of one than I already am) and place trust in no one.

(3) Spend all my time with dogs. They don't do bullshit.

At least now I know what I'll answer the next time someone asks me what I'd do if I won the lottery. No fancy cars, no statue of Elvis, no McMansion, no jewelry, no nice clothes. Nope. A bullshit free life. That's what I'd buy. Period.

This, too, shall pass. I'll get my money back or I won't. Things will improve or they won't. The wave of bullshit will subside and a more manageable level will replace it.

It's life, you say? Bullshit, death, and taxes, that kind of thing? Let that be your life. It's not going to be mine.


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