'Judge not, lest ye be judged". I think I got that right. I suck at the Bible and as an atheist, I don't see myself getting any better at it. The phrase came to mind tonight and I'm going with it. If it's a misquote so be it. I don't worry much about being judged. Which is probably a good thing given that I've been judged a lot. A lot. A lot A lot. Because I'm this, I'm that. Because I do this, and shouldn't, I'm this, that, and the other thing. I should like men, accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, stop cursing, eat fewer donuts and more cheeseburgers, drink less or more (depending on one's perspective), live in a better neighborhood, like to read, drive a better car, stop sleeping with married women, be more ambitious, give to charity, blah, blah, blah. Keep in mind that I'm not breaking any laws. No one is saying that I should kill fewer people or steal less. Yet I am consistently and constantly guilty of something. What's the best thing to do when presented with a no-win situation like this? Tell the world to GTFOI.

I have to admit that I borrowed 'GTFOI'. It's the creation of a friend and I want to give credit where credit is due (lest I be judged for plagiarizing the genius of others). Thank you, Lifford Luthringer, for sharing your brilliance with me all those years ago. If you ever make those t-shirts, let me know. Anywho, GTFOI is an acronym for Get The Fuck Over It. Believe me, people need to. What does it matter? What good does judgement do? Of course, if it's your donut I'm eating, your book I'm not reading, your wife I'm sleeping with, or your life I'm living, you're allowed to say something. I might even allow you to judge me. However, if it doesn't directly involve you, you have one choice. GTFOI. Anything else is a waste of energy if you ask me.

I'm not big on wasting energy. I've gotten the fuck over it so many times in my life that it comes easy. It is what it is. Like it or like it. Move on. Maybe say a short piece to a like-minded individual, but that's it. Done. Over. Period. The End.

I can't say that I agree with everything people do. The world is full of complete dumbasses who do all kinds of ridiculous things. I simply refrain from worrying about them unless what they do directly effects me AND lies within my sphere of influence. Everything else warrants a giggle, a 'what the fuck?', and a text message to a friend I know would appreciate the particular brand of stupidity I just witnessed. Worst case scenario, I might write a blog about it. Might.

I learned long ago that people will do what people will do. The act of judgement seldom does anything to change them. So, if you're in the mood to question my eating habits, morality, religious outlook, sexuality, or anything else, GTFOI. I am who I am and I'm good with that. Whether you or anyone else is or not.

At this point, I think I should probably take my own advice and GTFOI.

Stacee Ann Harris signing out.


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