The "Because She's Coming in October" Top 10

 Back in the day when I did little except work, drink, and write, I used to write these Top 10 list blogs. David Letterman was still on and doing his so I copied him. Sort of. Anyway, when I didn't have any other halfway brilliant idea, I'd crank out a Top 10 list and call it good. I'd written something and occasionally along the way, writing just that little bit of BS would inspire something far grander. The popularity of said Top 10 list blogs was questionable at best. With the exception of one reader. She was and hopefully still is a sucker for a Top 10 list. 

I'm super excited to because that reader is coming to Asheville in October and that gave me a blog idea (I also wanted to procrastinate writing fiction...). I can't wait to show her everything that I love about my new hometown. Well, as much as we can pack into 3 1/2 days. So I thought, why not pour my love of AVL into a Top 10 list? Maybe give her an idea of what we might see and help us prioritize our time. 

Usually when I start one of these lists I've got five, maybe six, of the ten top things ready to go, then I rack my brain for the four or five more that I need to complete the list. Opposite problem today. I'm fairly sure I'll be hard pressed to stop at ten. I mean the reasons why I absolutely adore Asheville are seriously legion. 

Okey-dokey... Here we go. And as usual, the items are listed in random order. I write what pops into my brain when it pops into my brain and I don't edit (That should tell you everything you need to know about me and "The Craft" [insert eye roll emoji here]), so you get what you get when you get it. Get it?

1. Green. As in the color green. As in everything is green. If you haven't lived in the desert, you may not understand my fascination with the color green. Trust me, I didn't either. However, after several months mired in the brownscape that is Las Vegas, green became my favorite color. I remember flying into the Carolinas last spring and nearly tearing up because it was so green and so beautiful. Now, everywhere I look is green. I hope I never take it for granted. 

2. Food. I am not a "Foodie," never have been. I eat to exist and to save money. Keep in mind my most oft visited "restaurant" in Copenhagen, Denmark - another food mecca - is 7-11. I don't do food. I save my money and do other stuff. Like buy soccer jerseys and protein bars. That was then, this is now. Asheville has changed all that. The food scene here is amazing and I have only scratched the surface. I go out sparingly and I stick to places that are affordable and far from fancy (I'm in a constant state of almost 'broke'), but the places that I have tried are phenomenal. Moreover, I am proud to say that I eat exclusively local - I can count on one hand the times I've eaten at a national chain, including coffee. My fave restaurant - Baby Bull. My fave coffee place - Home Ground edges out Grind AVL in a close race.

3. Skating. I have long loved to in-line skate but I gave it up more than a decade ago. I'd started running and there wasn't anyplace close by that didn't involve traffic and loads of pedestrians. I trashed or sold my skates and that was that. Then on a walk through Carrier Park just minutes from my apartment, I discovered the Velodrome. Once upon a time it was Asheville Motor Speedway, but now it is a haven for cyclists, skaters, and runners. I know not everyone would relish going around and around in circles for miles on end (I did 22 this morning), but for me it's Nirvana. No traffic and, if I go early enough, I virtually have the track to myself. 

4. Home Depot. I have now worked at five Home Depot stores and I can confidently say that the store here is different. At least for me. Each store eventually become home, your fellow associates become family. Eventually. After two weeks at this store, I felt like I had been there forever. I was already family. Everything just clicked. My work team welcomed me and immediately accepted me as one of their own. Now, less than six months in, I have joined a new team and they are just as welcoming and accepting. And, most important, they seem like they really and truly want me to succeed. Moreover, every member of the leadership team values me and what I can contribute to the store.

5. Art. I'm going to be straight up with y'all. I have never, ever, ever, ever given one wit about art in any of its many shapes, forms, and media. In my travels, I stick to history and culture museums; I have never once been to an art museum. I'm still not sure I'd dig walking through a museum, BUT... I do love nosing around artists studios. That's the super cool thing about the Asheville art scene - It's accessible. There are literally studios everywhere and the artists are very often present. Like really present. Like there to chat about their art and their process. Some is purposely affordable (prints and such), some is light-years out of reach for me, and some isn't exactly my taste. But dang if I don't enjoy looking. 

6. Seasons. For the first time in decades, I don't hate summer. Summers in Texas sucked the life out of me and summer in  Las Vegas nearly stole my soul. In Asheville, I can count the number of 90F days on one hand and the days above 100F on ZERO hands. Today, it's only going to be in the mid-70s. Now, that's cool for summer here; the mid-80s are much more common. Here's the kicker - it cools off at night. I actually often sleep with my windows open and A/C off. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to fall, but only because I'm excited to break out my sweaters and see the leaves change color. I'm sure I'll be just as excited about winter and spring. 

7. Traffic. People complain but unless I'm on I-26 at the wrong time of day, I never see any traffic. Ok, Patton Avenue gets a little gummed up headed west in the evenings, but compared to Austin it's not what I would call "traffic." And my commute! I pass through green hills and past trees. In Vegas, it was all stoplights and strip malls. 

8. Biltmore Estate. Yeah, yeah... The house is amazing and will leave you speechless. It's massive and historic and palatial and like walking through Downton Abbey. Blah, blah. The grounds are what I love. The Conservatory, the gardens, the estate. I may or may not ever go back through the house, but I could run and walk for days on end on the grounds. Rolling hills, fields being farmed, baby goats (an exclusively seasonal offering), lakes, a river, trails galore. It's an outdoor feast....and I shall be getting an annual pass so that I can enjoy it as often as I choose. 

9. Greenways. The city of Asheville is dedicated to creating and maintaining greenspaces and greenways in an interconnected patchwork through the city. My favorite runs next to the French Broad River past the River Arts District. A close second goes from Carrier Park to Hominy Creek River Park. They give me the ideal place to run (So reminiscent of the Hike & Bike Trail at Lady Bird Lake in Austin) and walk my dog. 

10. Cider. And cideries. Urban Orchard. Noble. Bold Rock. And that's just the three I've been to, so far. I have always wanted to be able to enjoy cider like most people enjoy beer or wine. You know at a place that has more than Angry Orchard on the drink menu. In Asheville, beer might be king but cider is queen. Most bars and restaurants have a couple local ciders on tap and the cideries..... Simply cider heaven. Cider flights for days. 

Well, there we are. 10 Things I Love About Asheville. Seriously the list could go on. And on. Maybe another time, I'll do another. Goodness knows there's plenty more - Antique stores, the way the clouds often shroud the mountains, the mountains themselves, Devil's Foot soda, Weaverville, Black Mountain, Mr. K's Used Books...

In the six months I've been here, I've barely scratched the surface. The great thing? I have a lifetime to explore and discover everything this city has to offer. Asheville is Home and I hope it always will be. 


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