The Exception
Exception List: "For people in a committed relationship, a list of people with whom they are allowed to have sexual encounters with... Typically the people on an exception list are models or celebrities or people whom you would never expect to have a chance to sleep with..." (Bad grammar courtesy of It's all hypothetical, right? I mean what are the chances? First you have to actually meet someone on the list. THEN he or she has to want to sleep with you. The odds have to be worse than the odds of winning $4 billion on the Power Ball. But what if? What if the planets aligned on the same day that all the numbers matched? Stranger things have happened. And that's why I've always had an exception list. Like me, you may struggle to win two bucks on a scratch off, but it pays to be ready, have a plan, just in case the big score appears in line behind you at Starbucks and strikes up a conversation. The last thing you want is a ...