Enough Words
Silence. Today it's been my friend. I don't know what to think much less what to say. I'm done for now and just want to be insulated. I don't want to explain or have it explained to me. More than anything, I guess, I don't want to hear it. It? Yeah, it. I don't what 'it' is but I know for a fact that I don't want to know anything about it. Truthfully, I needed today to be about nothing. Not reality, not surreality, not the past, present, or future. I knew the only thing I could tolerate today would be silence, a deep, dark, still silence. I needed a day in between, a day for me, a day away. In a few hours, today will end and I'll fall into what I hope is a dreamless, quiet sleep. Right now, I'm wishing for another silent day tomorrow. I don't think I'll get it. Sooner or later, I'll have to re-enter the world and re-join the noise. I'll have to hear about it, whatever 'it' is. I'll have to face the past, the...