More Better
I sit here amid. Amid a lot of things. The start of a Saturday that will assuredly lead to Sunday. Amid friends and the smell of coffee. Amid an overcast day that promises to be warm enough. Amid the beginning of a new adventure or two. Of course, if I want to think positively, which I think maybe I do, every day is the beginning of a new adventure or two. Wow. Ugh... I don't like how that sounds. I truly want to be more jaded than that. But yeah... yeah... You just never know when the day starts, what the day will bring. For better or worse. Lately, though, my days have been more better than worse. Maybe it's the new job or the new apartment (with a kick-ass pool and gym) or new friends. I guess you could say I'm coming along here in Austin. I'm drinking too much and writing too little, but I'm enjoying myself. Not kidding myself. I really don't think I'm faking it anymore. Because you know for a long time I lived the adage, "fake it 'til you make ...