The Latest One About Happiness
I'm a happy person. Glass half full, that kind of thing. I'm buoyant. I land on my feet. All that said, I'm here to tell you - no matter how it may seem from the outside looking in - happiness has not always come easy. I grew up actually thinking - at least until somewhere in my twenties, maybe - that happiness wasn't something adults experienced. Miserable parents? Yeah, I think they were. And they were my example. I don't recall if I was a happy child. I guess it's safe to say I wasn't unhappy. Happiness, though, wasn't something I really ever thought about. I probably mulled over being taller or richer or smarter, but happiness? Not so much. It simply wasn't a thing. I can't recall when I truly began to consider happiness as something I might one day have...or be. As I said above, I came to a realization that happiness was possible for adults at some point, but like relationships that last longer than six months, I figured it wasn't for ...