16,900 ~ 19,400
Sam thought for a moment. What leads did she have? Was she any closer to finding this woman for her mother? Yes, she knew what high school she went to and that she might have gone to the University of Kentucky, but that was it. It wasn’t a lot to go on. Still, though, it was kind of exciting. Sam had started with just a name and now, barely twenty-four hours later, she’d created a couple pretty solid leads. She contemplated what the next twenty-four hours might bring. “I don’t think calling the high school would help. What information would they give me over the phone? In this day and age? God, I hope they wouldn’t give out much. It’s a scary idea, isn’t it?” Sam mused. “You could always go to Cincinnati and see what you could find out face-to-face. It’s what? A six hour drive?” “Christ, Scott, I’m killing my vacation running about the Midwest looking for this lady. It’s been nice seeing you guys and all, but I was hoping to be back home in Austin by Wednesday or Thursd...