Cotton: A Short Story
My father told me long ago that I should take this story with me to my grave. He swore me to secrecy and made me promise I'd never tell anyone. The older I get, though, I wonder. I think I owe it to him. I think I owe it to Cotton. You see, the story is mine, but it's really his. Benjamin Jasper Cotton. Benjamin to his mother, BJ to his daddy, and Cotton to us boys. The day I'm fixing to tell you about was the day my life changed. I can't say it was for the better, but it did make me who I am. Even at eighty with bad eyes, bad knees, and a full life, I can only point to that day. That moment, really. The look in his eyes, Cotton's eyes, and the nearly imperceptible shake of his head. That's what changed my life. Well, there I go getting ahead of myself. My daddy always said that the best place to start is at the beginning. But with Cotton, it's hard to tell the b...