Missing Mom
It took me nearly two months to miss my mom. I know that probably sounds awful. She died at Christmas and it was nearly Valentine's Day before it actually hit me? Look, my mom raised me to be independent, self-sufficient, and strong. She wouldn't want her death to make me needy and messy and I spent those months being the woman she raised. I went back to my life and lived. Then one day... The thought was fleeting, a mere blip on the radar of my mind, but it happened just like they said it would - One day out of the blue, I'd want to talk to my mom and think to pick up the phone before realizing the impossibility. And that's exactly how it happened. Over the past...gosh...probably decade I hadn't called my mom with any kind of regularity. Do I regret it? No. Should I? If you say so. But I don't. I knew what I was doing. I knew one day I wouldn't be able to call her. Maybe I was getting ready for that day ahead of time? I guess it's possible. Of course...